The latest Beading Endeavor

So if you don't already know, I bead whenever I can, and I have an etsy account!

Here is the latest pair of earings in progress:

I experience much peace when I bead.
Please read my artist statement;

I Bead to bring Harmony and Color to the World

When I began this shop I was a different person, creating beauty outside myself struggling to see who I am. Crafting has always been that existentially serious to me. I have changed significant these past five years. I took much time to heal and discover who I am. Now I am bursting at the seams to spread my personal happiness and feverant desire to help others. So look out world I am ready to put all the good energy I have into life! Especially into this intentional jewelry. This jewelry is imbued with the best thoughts to uplift each individuals self image. If each individual grows to be a better person so will the world. I care about the big picture, politically, economically and socially. Each beaded piece is for ceremony, it is for protection, it is to hold each thought you always want to radiate. And lets not forget to look Fantastic! It is my wishes that whichever jewelry piece you draw to is a helpful reflection of your inner self.

Thanks for checking out my post!

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