RETRAIN YOUR MIND - NEW Motivational Video (very powerful)

Why is it so hard... To do the little things that would improve my life? The way that our minds are designed is our minds are designed to stop you. at all costs, from doing anything, that might hurt you... There are so many people in the world and - and - and, you know, you may be watching this right now and you have these incredible ideas and what you think is missing is motivation... ...and that's not true... Because the way that our minds are wired, and the fact about human beings is that we are not designed to do things that are uncomfortable...

Or scary, or difficult. Our brains are designed to protect us from those things, because our brains are trying to keep us alive and in order to change, in order to build a business in order to be the best parent , the best spouse; to do all those things that you know you want to do with your life, with your world, with your dreams, You're gonna have to do things, that are difficult, uncertain or scary. Which sets up this problem, for all of us... The one thing we have in this world is, we can't control the events, but we can choose what to focus on, we can choose what things mean and we can choose what to do... those three choices, those three decisions, really control our life! You can always make a decision, thats always in your control. Staying with somebody, that treats you like garbage is a decision...

It is! Staying at a job that you hate, is a decision. Staying in the body, that you are not proud of, is a decision. Is it going to be... easy? No, it's not going to be easy to change, but it's simple. It's your job to push yourself. It's not the smartest people who achieve success. It's the people who procrastinate less, make fewer excuses, as they take actions everyday, towards the goals that they want to achieve. Indecision is the thief of opportunity... Uh, indecision means the door is still closed... Uh, indecision means the opportunity waits... Indecision means what could be, is postponed or may never be...

If you wanna be successful in anything in life... Never leave the sight of setting a goal, without doing something that commits you.. To fullfill it. The next morning the alarm goes off, and... um... I pretended NASA was there... It's a stupidest start, I literally went 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I counted out loud and then I stood up. And I - I'll never forget standing there - in my bedroom... It was dark, it was cold; it was winter in Boston. And for the first time in 3 months I had beaten my habit... of hitting the snooze button. There were moments all day long... All - day - long... Just like that 5 second moment in bed where I knew, knowledge, what I should do...

And if I didn't move within 5 seconds, my brain would step in and talk me out of it... Every human being has a 5 second window. Might even be shorter, for you... You have about a 5 second window in which you can move from idea to action, before your brain kicks into full gear and sabotages, any change of behaviour. Your life is what you think it should be. That's exactly what you are right now. You are, what you thought you should be. If you don't like who you are, you gotta change what you think you should be. What you think is more important than what you do. And so, if you want to change, you got to work on this attitude bit. Decide, commit, act, succeed, repeat! The one thing that all the great have in common, is they sweat the small stuff. They pay very very close attention to every detail. What makes you comfortable, can ruin you. But what makes you uncomfortable, is the only way to growth. What you are... and what you become... depends on how will you use your time.

The billionare, and the beggar... both have 24 hours everyday. The old and the young; black and white, indian and the asian... are all given the same amount of time, everyday. You can not stop a day, you can not stop it - an hour... But you can control, how it will be used. Your life comes down to your decisions. If you change your decisions, you will change everything. When you understand the power of a 5-second decision, and you understand that you always have a choice to go from auto-pilot to decision-maker, everything in your life will change! You will be a different negotiator, you will be different at sales, you will be unstoppable at the gym, because you will realise the amount of garbage that you put in the way of your hopes, of your dreams, of your potential, of your confidence, of your courage Everything comes down to the decisions that you make.

Take ownership, take extreme ownership... Don't make excuses, don't blame any other person or any other thing. Get control of your ego. Take ownership of everything in your world - the good and the bad. Take ownership of your mistakes, take ownership of your shortfalls, take ownership of your problems and then take ownership of the solutions that will get those problems solved. Take ownership... of your mission. Take ownership of your job, of your team, of your future, and take ownership of your LIFE! The first source of inspiration is deciding, second source of inspiration is planning, and now, here's a big source of inspiration - beggining.

Getting started. Actually turning thoughts and the notes on the paper, the plans, actually now commiting it to action. Getting started. I'm a humongous believer that ideals are s. and that executions together. Well, I think the one think the discipline definitely does to help you with, is it - it helps you with get things done. And when you get things done, when you - you actually do things, you - you have more success if you have more succes - sometimes a big part of success is just not being a fing lazy and just doing it.

Just get - it's like - 90% of it is just showing up, get there and start working like, you're not gonna feel perfect everyday... If I felt - if I only worked out when I felt good, I'd be a fat f***. Discipline... it does start with waking up early, it really does. But that is just the begginning. And I always say that... Discipline is the root of all good qualities. But, y-you have to absolutely apply it, to things outside of just waking up early. It's - it's everything. It's working out everyday, making yourself stronger and faster and more flexible, and healthier. Discipline is eating the right foods to fuel your system. It - It's about disciplining your emotions, so you can make good decisions.

Doing the tasks that you don't necessarily want to do, but that you know, will help you. The thing about self-discipline is, that it is necessary for everything you do in your life. You have to be self-disciplined. Discipline is not punishment. It's not. If you change your mindset and really focus it on what discipline really is you start to welcome discipline, you welcome self-discipline into your life. You, people have to know you, not because: "Oh he's a good salesman, oh he's a good this, oh he's an artist." People need to know you for one major thing first, he works, he produces, the guy's there everyday, the guy's pushing and shoving because the truth is, not matter how good your ideas are, how good your art is, or how good your skillset is, if you're not working man, if you're not vibrating in a frequency that people said: "My God how does that guy do all that?", if you're not vibrating at that rate, you'll be not working at that level, you're not gonna make it.

Subtitles by Domen V. .

As found on Youtube

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