The Curious Case of the BBC and Cliff Richard

The curious case of the BBC so obviously overstretching its editorial hand, with Cliff Richard, to the point of effectively requesting precisely this conclusion.

Why did BBC News deliberately break the law? Not only did they name the suspect, they were pre-prepared enough to film a police house raid, even sending a helicopter, scuppering an expensive and presumably extensive police operation into the bargain. Well fudged, good job!

... It is inconceivable that they did not know the illegality and ramifications of what they were doing. It is also inconceivable that the police did not know to stop the BBC from interfering in 'legitimate business'.

Will anyone at the BBC be held accountable for this major breach of journalism? Let's not hold our breath.

I wonder, did this by any chance have anything to do with the more serious claims against a certain "Kitty" who allegedly frequented child torture den Elm Guest House, as named by the since mysteriously-deceased landlady Carole Kasir, along with other celebrities, several senior politicians including Cabinet members and - at the time of the mainland bombing campaign - even members of the IRA?

Perhaps anti-democrat Anna Soubry MP knows something. She's just stood up in the House to take the opportunity to ask for tougher laws of privacy for those accused. How convenient, coming from Westminster, a sewer of paedophilia if ever there was (with subsequent blackmail for policy as admitted by EEC-bound and boy-binding Ted Heath's whip, Bilderberger Ken Clarke's colleague Tim Fortescue). The law is already in place, as well you know, Soubrey, which again begs these questions: why did the BBC break the law so wantonly? And why did the police not tell the BBC to pull back and bugger off?

Some of us are researched enough to know the answers.

I would like to congratulate the Boys' Buggering Club - who have long form for covering up VIP paedophilia - for such a sensational job assisting our corrupt police and deviant establishment, in scuppering what would have been a far more vital investigation into the kind of VIP filth that runs the country.

Don't pay for propaganda, people. You are sponsoring child rape with your BBC license fee, that and the usurping of democracy itself.



Rather than waste your time reading up on the smoke and mirrors that is the Cliff story today, I recommend this, and a big shout out to genuine public servant, Bill Maloney, who was recently on Daily Chaos. You, Sir, are a geezer, and Chris Fay too.

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