Politicians are Puppets - Bayer to Buy Monsanto

Mergers Killing Free Market Competition Proves that the Government exists to Serve MNC's not the People

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Go ahead and elect who ever you want, the President of America is nothing more than a franchise manager at a fast food chain restaurant. If he screws up too badly or challenges the owners of America the Central Bankers and Multinational Corporations, they will have their Human Resources team called the Fourth Branch execute the President in public, see John F Kennedy. Obama himself is the "teleprompter President" and can barely talk without a teleprompter telling him what to say, as is evident in that linked video. Wasn't he the candidate that literally ran on a campaign of "Change we Can Believe in"? What happened to that? Well once Obama said what he had to say to win the election, he completely altered course and went right along with the same agenda that has been in play since long before he came into office. The continued corporate takeover of the Government creating what was accurately described by Jim Marrs as the "Rise of the Fourth Reich" just stepped up another notch with German Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Agriculture giant Bayer buying Monsanto for $66 Billion. Now roughly 30% of the world's seed supply will be controlled by Bayer, a company that at one point in it's history produced Zyklon B Gas for the Nazi Gas Chambers. Don't worry I am sure they are 100% concerned about your health now though, lulz. So will the President Obama veto this merger or will the regulatory committees stop this blatant unconstitutional monopoly from happening? Nope, don't hold your breathe, as we can see just by examining Obama, he works for the Multinational Corporations, just like the entire government does. So without any real opposition the third major merger of Agriculture Giants will happen shortly.

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Even if You are not Anti-GMO You should be against this Monopoly Forming

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America is not supposed to be a fascist nation where the Government serves the interests of Multi-National Corporations. However that is the situation we find ourselves in, we have a Private Central Bank Printing fake fiat money that inflates more and more every year to the point where it is literally almost worthless. We have Multi-National corporations using the government to create so many regulations it stifles any true competition in favor of the larger corporations who have the extra man power to wade through pages upon pages of red tape that small businesses don't have the time to look through. Your average Farmer or Small Business owner doesn't have a room full of legal experts to ensure they are meeting thousands of pages of red tape created to regulate basically every industry to death. In fact any time they spend on this multitude of bullshit is wasted, as most of it is boilerplate nonsense. Now thanks to the Big Pharma and Healthcare Industry deal of a life time mostly known as Obama Care, it has become extraordinarily expensive thanks to absolutely NO COST CONTROLS and a requirement to provide health insurance for small private corporations who can't package thousands of people together to get better rates. Thus the premiums have gone up over 50% for the small businesses I know and the deductibles are up over 200% since. I am sure once these Agro Giants merge, prices won't be affected, right (this is sarcasm for the dense). The Free Trade Agreements like NAFTA, and now the TTIP, TTP, etc. are hundreds of pages long each, if not thousands, how is that a "Free Trade Agreement?" If you have thousands of pages of legislation, you are looking at some serious corruption. In fact the entire system has become extremely corrupt as is evident by looking at how regulations have been employed to destroy true free market enterprise.

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Only We the People Can Free Ourselves

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As I started out this post, so shall it end. The financial powers that be are not going to let their puppet politicians that owe them massive favors for winning elections challenge their self created monopolies. The Regulatory Agencies as you can see from the above chart all work for the Multi-National Corporations whose only allegiance is to their stockholders not whatever country they stamp their products with. These MNC owned Agencies would never veto this merger, or declare any of Monsanto / Bayer's products dangerous as they literally work for those companies through the revolving door. Every regulation is basically put into place to stifle any competition that may arise and further concrete these MNC's market shares. The politicians and regulatory agencies won't do anything about these companies poisoning the food supply so they can sell more pharmaceuticals to cure the diseases from the sick food industry they have created. Reminds me of the glass shop owner who's son would ride around smashing windows in the neighborhood, creating their own market. Poison the people with GMO food and Roundup, giving them cancer and other extremely expensive to cure diseases, then force them to pay for insurance so we can charge whatever we want for the medicines. Sounds like a good business plan to me, despite the horrible implications this has had on society it continues with another merger. So, what do we do? We take it on ourselves to be informed consumers, to get out of our comfort zones and inform others in any way possible about the dangers of this crap, and we vote with our dollars or STEEM or Bitcoins, for the society we want in the future. I as the organizer of March Against Monsanto Boston, I will be likely leading the Boston Against Bayer 2017 next year, as Monsanto will likely shed it's name to lose the stigma associated with it. The only way we will defeat these anti-free market forces is with the free market itself. As always the answer lies within, we the people are the answer to our own problems. Even if you don't care about GMO's, you should care that the free market is being destroyed by these anti competitive forces that are only getting bigger with another merger. So let's remember the words of the great Aaron Swartz, and take the responsibility on ourselves to fight back against the system.

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