Introducing a Project that Changed My View of the World: Project L.I.B.R.O

"Be the change that you want to see in the world"

- Mahatma Gandhi 

Speech Fest 2017 - One of the activities of Project L.I.B.R.O conducted in Amancion Primary School, Amancion, Catmon, Cebu

My Background

     I grew up in a place where even basic necessities are scarce and daily resources are well-portioned to keep us fed until the next payday. At an early age, I became aware of our predicament that I desire to lift my family from that place. My consciousness flourished in that mountainous barangay. My dreams were formed in that area. Dreams to eliminate scarcity and to be able to help others like me.

Taken along the way to Barangay Amancion - Sights like this are one of the reasons I endured 4 hours of walk to one of the beneficiary schools.

     When I was in my elementary years, I was inclined to question things. Questions that require deep and meaningful answers. Sometimes I couldn't find those answers in normal textbooks. So, I supplement my reading using different materials to satisfy myself with the answers that I need. I read anything that is available to me at that time. Good thing there's a library in our school that was donated by good-hearted people. It was set up when I was in Grade 2 and from then on, I frequently went to that library to read.

What is Project L.I.B.R.O

     When I was in college, my organization -  USC ChES (University of San Carlos Chemical Engineering Society) - conceptualized a project that would help some communities in Cebu. It merely started as book donation drive. Then it evolves into library installation in chosen beneficiary schools. Chosen elementary schools were specifically from mountainous barangays in Cebu where access is usually limited.

     Project L.I.B.R.O has five (5) Phases:

          Phase 1 - Library Installation -  Donated literary books are gathered and library furnitures are purchased using funds raised from activities of USC ChES. The books are assigned with identification numbers. A mini library database and catalog system is established which will be updated periodically.

          Phase 2 - Information Upload -  General reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, atlas, and encyclopedias) are supplemented to the library. The installation of the reference materials is accompanied by a short program consists of storytelling activities and puppet shows.

          Phase 3 -  Book Reader Index - Focuses on tracking the reading and comprehension progress of the beneficiaries. The Book Reader Index serves as a record that students would fill up every time they read a book in the library. This will be one of the basis for monitoring the effectiveness of the project and the progress of the beneficiaries.

          Phase 4 -  Reinforcement of Reading Materials - Adds references of specific subjects taught in class to the library. Workbooks and modules are also added. These books are purchased by funds gathered from different benefactors who support the project. In line with the main goal, the project strives to lessen the student to book ratio. On the other hand, motivational talks are conducted wherein speakers deliver interactive speeches that would further cultivate each student’s desire to read. The speeches would also tackle on how good reading habits yield success in the field one wants to pursue.

          Phase 5 -  Optimization of Resources - Commences with reading and comprehension competitions. A best reader award will be given to students from chosen grade levels. USC ChES hopes to further motivate children to read by providing positive reinforcement. Applying the same principle to Project L.I.B.R.O, an award will be given to the most progressed reader. 

     This project is one of the ways to fulfill my dream to eliminate scarcity. Together with USC ChES, we would like to eliminate the scarcity of access to information. With the project's tagline “Bringing the reader in every child”, we would like to encourage every child to read and to dream. The project has a striking resemblance to what I've been through. That is the reason why I am attached to this project and I vow to support it all the way to its fruition.

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