Why Energy Storage Is Proving Even More Disruptive Than Cheap Renewables 'The New Beginning'

I find it interesting how fast energy storage is growing and how it is changing the power delivery landscape. It was only 5 years ago utilities were building "pilot projects" that were 500kw to 1.5MW. Now most projects are 50+MW's.

We can expect to see this play out quickly in Asia and more so in SE Asia in the next 5 years. Solar + Storage is a great low cost way to power remote areas, islands and add resiliency to the existing power grids.

In the next 5 years expect to see solar + storage + food projects. Asia needs not only reliable power but food.

The falling price of renewable energy has been dominating the headlines, but more dramatic change is happening behind the scenes, where battery storage is disrupting the way utilities provide power.


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