Universal Basic Income.... remember that?

It's been quiet lately under the #basicincome tag, so I thought I might try and stimulate a bit of discussion. Not least because of the potential cryptocurrencies offer to the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI).

I've previously written about the intersection of cryptocurrencies, monetary policy and economic revolution in an earlier UBI article centred on Iceland. @Scottsantens is another author to check out on the subject. He has a heap of information about all aspects of UBI.

So, what are your views on a UBI? Are you for it, against it, or unsure? Let us know your thoughts, and if you've got questions about the subject feel free to ask them.

Personally I'm always intrigued, and more so dismayed, by the opposition to a UBI. In the same way that support for a UBI stretches across the ideological landscape, so too does opposition. I'd estimate that the major opposition to it comes from free market capitalist who see a UBI as socialist redistribution. Yet, you also can see opposition to it from revolutionary socialists who see it as propping up capitalism and prolonging its inevitable death. To be honest, while not being a revolutionary socialist, I suspect their line of reasoning is closer to a truth. A UBI is without a doubt a life raft for capitalism. Without UBI capitalism will fail. Without a cashed up consumer class, there will be no one to buy the products and services that capitalism provides. So I'd say to those that are opposed to UBI for reasons of 'socialist redistribution', what are your alternatives to sustain capitalism in this age of a disappearing middle class? I'd say to you, doing nothing isn't an alternative.

Share your thoughts and questions. Let's get UBI back on the trending pages of steemit!

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