A funny story about Basic Income

I know a guy who likes fables to illustrate the Guaranteed Basic Income. I thought I'd give it a try.

I have a small circle of friends, there are 9 of us, who each have $100. The problem is we really want to have $1000 each. We formed a group and called it Basic Income and searched for another member for our group who could bring $9100 into the mix.

We talked to everyone we could about it and could not convince anyone to join our group with $9100 to add to the $900 we already had. Most of the people we know didn't have that kind of money, and the ones who did weren't interested in our group.

We briefly considered that maybe our group wasn't the right way to go about raising our wealth to $1000, but then we realized we hadn't tried an option that just might work.

Force. I mean we just want to be fair, right? And them having more than us isn't fair, is it? So we decided to try force. We called the cops and told them to make someone who has $9100 join our group. They did just that.

Now we have a group of ten people with $10,000 which we divided up fairly between us, $1000 each. My 8 friends and I are so happy now. That last guy has a really bad attitude, though. He grumbles a lot. We're thinking about kicking him out of our group. After all, he really has nothing left to offer anyway. And apparently he has been talking to the other people who had $9100 that wouldn't join our group and they have all moved away. What a trouble maker!

And that's the end of my fable about the Guaranteed Basic Income. Everyone in our community now has a little more than they had before, but all the entrepreneurs have moved away, the businesses have closed and we are rapidly running out of resources. We blame the bad attitude guy for creating an unhealthy environment.

Guaranteed Basic Income is socialism. Socialism is slavery. Socialism kills.

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