Manna Distribution #19

Like clockwork, we hit Thursday again which means manna distribution day.

Today, we were able to send tokens to over 168,275 people.

A week ago, we sent out distribution to 162,000 people. The past 7 days saw an increase of over 6,275 sign ups. This puts the UBI distribution total at 168,275 . It is a seven day increase of over 3.9%.


Thank you to all those who contributed to our drive to raise money to help support manna on the open market. We feel the token buyback program will help those who depend upon manna as a part of their income by establishing some buying pressure.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

We are also grateful to those who continue to pass out their referral link in an effort to grow our community. This is a "we" project. Poverty is a huge problem that is going to require as many hands as possible. Spreading the word is not something we can do on our own.

To get your weekly distribution of manna, go to to sign up.

For more information about the Manna Project, go to

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