Distribution #16 And Other News

Like clockwork, we hit Thursday again which means manna distribution day.

Today, we were able to send tokens to over 140,000 people.

A week ago, we sent out distribution to 135,500 people. The past 7 days saw an increase of over 5,600 sign ups. This puts the UBI distribution total at 141,100 . It is a seven day increase of close to 4.1%.

As mentioned in one of our other posts during the past week, the information was submitted to coinmarketcap.com to update true numbers regarding the number of tokens outstanding and the total number available. The present numbers listed there are from the Grantcoin trial.

We also welcomed a couple more people to our advisory team. One was announced yesterday. If you missed that post, here it is.


There will also be some exciting educational videos that we are in the process of putting together. More will be announced on that, we expect, in the coming days.

It is a very exciting time for us with the Manna Project. A lot of what was envisioned a couple years ago is starting to unfold. Over the next month, we expect a number of announcements that should really excite the manna community.

We want to thank everyone for their participation and assistance in passing out the referral codes. This project will only grow with the input from large numbers of people. Poverty is an issue that is going to take efforts from all of us.

Thank you again.

To get your weekly manna distribution, go to https://www.mannabase.com to sign up.

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