What Do Baseball and Equality Have In Common?

It's interesting the individual manner people blog. More than one way to skin a cat. Everyone does things with their own twist. Problems arise when the value system within, behind the twist are directly conflicting each other. For example, money is value or value is not just money. To my eye, we've recruited the creativity and seeing of everyone to quantify in the most creative ways all movement in this world. Therefore money is value. What about what we haven't been aware of yet is having a role in important decision making? Therefore value is not just money. But money really decides how much moving you can do. Money is value. But the views advertised by money for money are one opinion about the value of the human, and excludes what we might discover if we keep this up.

Investigate and keep what is best. Refrain from arguing. Investigate. Money ends up being the quantifier of all movement in this world. And money is only as wise or as foul as the person behind the money's movement. Therefore money is limited to human's perception and state of awareness. But in spite of all saying we, the human, are important, there's a condition that pervades all of existence and existed before the human. That's balance, as a form of equality in directing all possible physical consequences to not harm. What is best for all probably existed before humanity. Doing what is best for all is not quantified by money, this movement doesn't exist according to money, what exists is the pursuit of knowledge and intelligence, and profit especially through deceptive means. The best liar that gives a great smile wins all the benefit, and according to this human view that's lived by the majority, the most corrupt are the richest. From billionaires to your neighbourhood rich family. What is best for all is yet to be quantified by us, and given a monetary value of profit.

In my view, this world is exactly the way it needs to be to be at its most corrupt. Everyone is talking exactly what they need to say to justify not only themselves but everyone else's manner as corrupt. So in a community that's exactly the community necessary for evil and corruption, what is good? This is something I kept with me throughout my life. Because I was too stupid to figure it out myself, I lived in anguish and despair, the deep and dark sort. Desteni suggests to re-examine the physical consequences of a thought, spoken and unspoken words, deeds, and find the balance. The point where everything you've done hasn't harmed or taken advantage of someone else. Find the point that presents equality in action, in application, but with it comes a choice you make willingly. That choice you've been making every single day, you wake up and think about what you're going to do today, but in a community that's evil, don't discount yourself making the evil choice. That choice represents an upheaval and destruction of the old, to invite something new, something different, a different means of making your living without changing what you do for a living. The starting point.

Because of all this, I've grasped an adequate answer to what is good in a world like this with people that treat each other like this. Where I treat other people like this. Equality, in the specific way that you live the equality and demonstrate your understanding and seeing of the equality in the Physical. Turns out Jesus had an important message and I didn't even know. But when you really ask yourself what you'd be satisfied with, I realize I would be satisfied with a reality seen and unseen to celebrate the best in humans. So that whether money is value or inadequate value is meaningless because I'm directly facing the physical reality and what I would be satisfied with. I've decided to face this physical reality and make it my living to equate the best solutions and answers for people. I hope when I offer my service, people will recognize my utmost dedication to this peaceful equilibrium and let me live.

So is money value? It is from the perspective it's whatever the human values. So meet a human, see what they pay for, and that's the value money brings to the table. What this is revealing is everyone's definition of value is inadequate for peace on Earth. So why not my own sense of value also in the way I spend money, also being inadequate? Thus a process ensues.

People can value something more but they are not doing that. They're valuing what they like and are utterly convinced they are right. Divide and conquer. That's probably the reason why so few can live such extravagant lives.

Anyway, it's my responsibility to make sure I am not them. Make sure I am the one having a bit of foresight and paying for a solution to peace in this world. Because the people valuing shit with money are valuing shit, not an equality system that would bring peace to Earth. What would giving what you would like to have translate into an economic, governmental, educational, social system? I'm of the opinion if the economy ever is corrected to value equality in practice, the rest will be easy with everyone's eyes and ears on the ball.

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