Glass Frame

The photographs featured in the glass frame are photos of Aceh 2004 tsunami memories

At that time the two children who stared at the photo has not been able to feel the devastating tsunami that devastated Aceh

Sunday afternoon his parents took them around the ship PLTD Apung while introducing bitter memories of Aceh

Now, the bitterness is no longer there. Aceh began to rise. Revisit its glory.


Foto-foto yang ditampilkan dalam bingkai kaca adalah foto kenangan tsunami Aceh 2004 silam

Saat itu kedua anak yang menatap foto tersebut belum bisa merasakan dahsyatnya tsunami yang memporak-porandakan Aceh

Minggu sore tadi orang tua nya membawa mereka berkeliling kapal PLTD Apung sembari memperkenalkan kenangan pahit Aceh

Kini, kepahitan itu tak lagi ada. Aceh mulai bangkit. Menampakkan kembali kejayaan nya.

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