Sambal Udang typical Aceh

Do not make if you do not want to addicted and fail diet.

Asam Udeung Aceh

300 grams of fresh shrimp (remove the head, clean, baluri salt and gonseng until dry) or fried may also.
10 red & green chili pepper (ato according to taste)
6 cloves of shallot, finely sliced.
8 fruit belimbing wuluh that already soft / ripe (cut small).
4 pieces of orange leaf (discard the bone and sliced ​​fine)
2 lemongrass (take the white part of the iris)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp lime juice (optional)
1/2 tsp sugar (optional)
1 tbsp hot oil (optional)

Ulek roughly cayenne pepper, onion and starfruit then add shrimp that has been digonseng / fried, ulek back until the shrimp crumbled and mixed well. Enter lemongrass, lime leaves and salt, mix well. Enter sugar, hot oil and lemon juice, taste test. The cannabis sauce is ready to be enjoyed.


Sambal Udang khas Aceh

Jangan buat deh kalo tidak mau ketagihan dan gagal diet.

Asam Udeung Aceh

300 gram udang segar (buang kepalanya, bersihkan, baluri garam dan gonseng hingga kering) ato goreng boleh juga.
10 buah cabe rawit merah & hijau (ato sesuai selera)
6 siung bawang merah, iris halus.
8 buah belimbing wuluh yang udah lembek/masak (potong kecil2).
4 lembar daun jeruk (buang tulang lalu iris halus)
2 batang sereh (ambil bagian putihnya iris halus)
Garam secukupnya
1 sdm air perasan jeruk nipis (optional)
1/2 sdt gula pasir (optional)
1 sdm minyak panas (optional)

Ulek kasar cabe rawit, bawang merah serta belimbing wuluh lalu tambahkan udang yang sudah digonseng/goreng, ulek kembali hingga udang hancur dan tercampur rata. Masukan serai, daun jeruk dan garam, aduk rata. Masukkan gula, minyak panas dan air jeruk nipis, tes rasa. Sambal ganja siap dinikmati.

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