Prayer Music

I am no stranger to recording, but this is a new project. At the end of last year, I felt the call from God to start recording music again (I had gotten weary of the sheer legwork and marketing involved in being an indie musician), but this time record music for Him and not for other purposes. This came on the heels of a vision I had at the end of December, in which I got dropped into this amazing garden... indescribable, really... and Jesus was running and laughing ahead of me. He was so FULL of Joy, like He had been waiting for me to join Him. I got distracted by this amazing water fountain, and then panicked briefly, as I remembered I’d forgotten Who I had been walking with (eek! I was rude to Jesus! 🤦🏻‍♀️), but when I looked up to find Him, He was standing next to me with this happy smile that brought me to tears. He handed me a solid gold tinwhistle, and I was humbled by the gift, and a bit confused as to why He was handing it to me. When I looked up into His eyes, he simply said, “play and be happy.” My heart did this little skip, and the rest of the vision was me playing music while He danced and the birds sang this incredible birdsong to sing along with my flutes.

I tend to hear God, or feel His emotions or presence, but this vision stuff is entirely new to me. Since December of 2018, the number and intensity of visions I have had has ramped up. This garden vision felt as real to my body and senses as it does to walk outside my farmhouse door in the spring. But I digress.

Not only was the vision a surprise, but the request that came through about two weeks later to begin composing again was as well. I’ve written a couple tunes so far (scribed them, really, onto paper, they seemed to arrive mostly complete, which was rather unlike my usual method of songwriting), and have just begun the recording.

‘Why am I not charging for the work?’ I have struggled with this one myself, as life can be rather lean at times as a musician. But having my spiritual eyes opened to various truths over the last few months has changed my tune (hardy har, I’m punny!). It is more important to do the work God is calling me to, for the good of His purposes, than it is to get compensation. There are larger forces at work, and we live in very interesting times... God’s agenda should take precedence. And... There’s that verse about the sparrows. If I’m doing His work and trusting Him, He’ll provide for my needs. Period. (It can be hard to Trust on that level, very hard especially as bills come in every month, but He’s never let us down without a significant reason.)

So, long story short, as I get these songs recorded, they’ll go up in the playlist, and also be available for download. And, I hope you enjoy. May you see a little of the Father in the heart of these humble notes. ❤️

(Mirrored on Weku & Blogger)


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