Happy New Year! The Spirit is Moving!


Hey there Steemians!

My holiday was extra busy — how about yours? This is about the first time I’ve had to sit down and trawl through my feed in weeks.... maybe since Thanksgiving.

So what have I been up to??

Aside from taking care of my family, I injured my thumb again. Pretty bad, but not the worst: my masseuse took a look at it and put me on rest for 4 weeks following Thanksgiving. (Note to self: no more picking fights with the seatbelt in the car!) So, I was effectively out of commission, musically. I was still able to sing at church, and play the tinwhistles, but there was ZERO ukulele, ZERO guitar, and ZERO anything else that put a strain on my thumb including mundane things like pickle jars and gas can caps.

On January 2nd I got the all-clear to begin muscle strength rehab and general hand recovery.

So I started really delving into scripture, making an effort to take notes during church, signing up for a Bible Study class, and in general, taking my ‘time off’ to sort out some things, learn some other, and see where the Holy Spirit wanted to take me.

And that was about when things in my life started getting really weird.

The Bible Study class I’d taken earlier in the year on Francis Chan’s book, “The Forgotten God,” which was all about the Holy Spirit, challenged me in regards to my Calling and my spiritual Gifts. As most of you know, I have been wrestling with that on and off since March 2018, slowly figuring it all out...


Things took an unexpected turn in December when I met a lady at our church who has prophetic giftings. With our first conversation, last month became a very wild ride, as parts and pieces of my life — including musicianship, but also relating to my relationships, family, etc — underwent some serious upheaval and healing, restoration (resurrection??) and activation. Things I’ve wondered about and been confused by for a very long time suddenly had answers, abilities and skills of mine that I thought were long gone forever arose out of dormancy with startling presence... And the the more I dug into the Bible, the more my life seemed to get blown wide open. I began to have visions and prophetic dreams, I was led to pray for others and encourage them with an accuracy I was unable to know beforehand, my music took on a life of its own, challenging my preconceived notions about what “worship” entails, I experienced deeply physical, deeply personal healing....

Words fail me. Words utterly fail me.

But I’ve been journaling at night between the fervor of researching, musicianing, and praying that has gripped me, and the effects I’ve begun seeing in my own family has been startling to say the least, and immensely confirming of my faith. I have an idea, now, of where this road is heading, but that’s only a guess on my part. I’m still at the beginning.... But I keep coming back to Isaiah’s visions of the Throne room in chapter 6, and also David’s playing music for King Saul in 1 Samuel. I think I’ve not only read more in the Bible than I ever have in the last month alone, but I think I’ve read more books in the last month than I have in the last two years. (!!!)

How was your December???

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