Saturday Night advert time again.

Hi everyone and now is the time to sit back and travel around the world and pick up some international humor. Thankfully this lot have some and this week I have kept it milder than normal.I haven't had the time to find the dirtier, naughtier stuff so I do apologize.

We start off in Spain with a ballet beer advert. Yes you heard me right an actual beer advert with a ballet class involved. There is more culture in this one than most as they bring you the arts as well.

Our next stop on this whistle stop tour around the world is Africa and nothing wrong with being able to run faster than your mates. This is an old joke when we go to the game reserves, but one that is ever so true.

Off to Australia next and the Aussie girls are far too smart for us men. I have heard about this contraption before,but never knew what it looked like. I am syre it is a back up for all the ugly men she brings home in error after a drunken night out.

I haven't seen anything that has really been that bad tonight and really worth banning, but then who is sitting on the complaints board.

Next week I will have more time hopefully to pull the ones from the pile that shouldn't have even been thought of let alone produced.

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