Northern Europe's largest financial group put in a prohibition for it's employees to buy Bitcoin and cryptos. Affecting 31000 employees.

The prohibition are not welcome amongst the employees, and the union (of all) are speaking about taking this to court.

Which kind of confirmes I was on to something in this post I wrote about the Korean situation some days back.

Still they do have emplyed a blochchain expert that openly confirmes he owns both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Nordea do say that they don't demand employees already invested in crypto to sell their holdings.

Well, getting past this prohibition shouldn't require all that big of an effort, basically one can use your wife, mother or brothers card on Coinbase, so one can really question if they really have thought this properly through. To say it as it is, it's really a damned stupid prohibition just making the employees less loyal to their employer.

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DNB, another big financial group we have in Norway confirmes that they do not have any plans to do anything similar.



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