No Need Strong Drugs, Bananas can make men become more manly

Penis shape is often likened to a banana. Although somewhat similar, but not many people know that not only similar, bananas turned out to have a myriad of benefits for sexual health. One of them is improving sex performance.

Experts recommend consuming bananas every day. Bananas contain potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber that are good for digestion. In addition, bananas can also help improve a person's sexual performance.

Here are some of the regular benefits of consuming bananas for sexual health.

• Repairing an erection

There are some men who have difficulty maintaining a strong erection. In fact, there are individuals who can barely make an erection at all.

Bananas can help overcome this by improving blood flow in the body. Better blood flow can lead to a harder and longer-lasting erection.

• Increase energy

Eating bananas before sexual intercourse can help a person last longer in bed. Bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Due to high sugar levels, those who consume them will get enough energy to have sexual intercourse.

• Increase sperm production

The zinc content of bananas can help increase sperm production. Bananas can also help increase testosterone levels in the body. This is one reason why bananas should be eaten before intercourse.

• Improves sperm taste

Sense of sperm is influenced by what men consumed before sex. If he consumes meat and other salty foods, his sperm will be very bitter. In order for sperm to taste sweet, men should eat sweet fruit like bananas.

Although bananas have a myriad of benefits for sex performance, but there are some myths about the efficacy of bananas to sex that must be known.

• First, bananas can help extend the penis.

They believe that applying paste on the penis may help increase penis size. But this myth has no scientific basis and should not be tried. Research has been done and it has been proven that applying bananas to the penis does not affect its size.

• Second, bananas contain bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that is believed to increase libido. Unfortunately, bananas do not contain any bromelain. If a person wants to eat bromelain, he can eat pineapple or papaya.

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