Balboa Park Geometric Buildings.. we need more buildings like this but more like the mormon spaceship castle.. everyone recognizes and respects the mormon castle so combine it with the catholic Spanish style here from the 1905 expo..






we need to build these structures with 3d printers and make them vaporwave cyberpunk mormon castles make the white ones like they have off the 5 freeway like the mormon spaceship castle here and then make them compete with Islam and catholic church and scientology to be first to build temples and mosques and churches on the MOON and mars.... I KNOW we will have SUCCess there because NOONE is thinking about lunar design competitions... and with 3d printed buildings everyone will have a chance to build whatever they want on the moon or Mars or earth first we need an earth landing and instead or stimulus money every American gets a small piece of land, since the federal government owns way too much and theres too much nature conservatory land out there that needs to be privatized and divvied up to every man woman and America so we all become land owners over night... & Joseph Smith would be proud... I'm not kidding I have keylontic science to unite the Kryst and the Allah and I'll have KrystAllah or the Krystal and the Kathara Grids of the Kathars for building In space... since building in space is different than on Earth or the Moon, we have to relearn how to build like we did in the heavens... & I have visions I'd flooding inteplanetary space with water and heating it, maybe the sun would heat it naturally but I imagine a giant ocean surrounding the sun and I've read that massive amounts of water can come out of a star... I just want to use technology in the future to literally fill up space with WARM water and have a giant 3d space ocean with giant space whales and dolphin creatures that can get oxygen from massive tornado currents of air that they could swim through like a grid of air bubbles everywhere moving so even if you stay still you can breath on cue like giant external lungs... & I also have this other great vision of indiengious mesoamerican shaman ontop of a pyramid steering the earth around with all his people gathered at night looking up as the stars speed by like in Starwars as he drives the Earth

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