A little bit more about me

I like to learn about new hobbies and keep my hands busy but these hobbies they come and go like the seasons. Now making bread is not truly a hobby it's an act of self sustainability to feed yourself and family.

top left sweet bread bottom left burger buns to the right regular white bread on third rise before time in the oven

The number of people in the family for me determines if I'm making a large batch or a small one, Before I took over the roll of making bread on a regular basis be it weekly bi-weekly or monthly as most of it would be stored in the freezer for use later and that way kept it going moldy fast in the summer heat. I would help my mother make bread for up to 30 people at a time that included our family of six. Then we moved and the family size shrunk to five for a short time then four and I had to learn how to cut back and the ratio of flour to water keeping in mind I should always have more flour then I needed for running out was never a good result sticky gluey type texture to the end product making the bread un-edible and seeming to be un-cooked. If making a type of bread for the first time I follow directions as best I can but this plain or sweet bread I just use a few cups warm water and about ten cups of flour some of that is used to keep the dough from sticking to the counter as it's needed. 

Ok to start I put a kettle on for tea I always like a nice cup of tea while I work out that is make the bread while the water is heating up, in a large bowl I mix about half cup of sugar with a quarter cup of butter one could use lard or margarine or now day's I think it's coconut oil . Once the water is boiled pour one cup into the bowl with a pinch of salt I skip this bit myself mix till the sugar and butter dissolve. In a smaller bowl add cold water to the hot water to make it room temp or as close to it as you can and add yeast to proof for about five ten minutes. once the yeast is ready add just enough cold water to the cup of hot water in the bowl to cool it of not make it cold as this will disrupt the yeast's work . Mix in two cups of flour I use a fork or wooden spoon what ever's handy at the time then I add one egg for a small batch two for a large one. Once I find it hard to use the fork/spoon I flour a counter or table top and finish kneading the bread by hand.

Once the dough is no longer sticky to the touch I clean out the bowl grease it and lightly grease the dough and set it aside to rise, I leave it alone for about an hour less time if it's really hot and the bread rises quickly the cooler it is the long it takes to rise. I like to let my bread rise twice in the bowl and once after making loaves and this day I also tried my hand at making burger buns and a loaf of sweet bread. I have a before and after baked shots of the buns and sweetbread sorry I never thought to get other shots as once my hands are in the bread the only other thing I touch is my cup of tea :)  

Raisin bread fresh out of the oven.


first time burger buns and they was slightly bigger then the meat patties :D I call that not bad 

Nearly forgot Pictures are 100% taken by me and my shadow cast has been lightened by @pennsif 

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