Bad Design #65 - rubbish? what rubbish?

Ok, so the question here is, was the local council warned about the consequences of having holes in the pavestones, or are these pavestones simply badly designed?

Scenario 1
The council was warned of the consequences of using pavers with holes and were recommended they fill the holes/gaps with sand or other material.

The council subsequently ran out of money (or time), or for whatever other reason decided to forgo the sand. Or…

Scenario 2
The council did fill the gaps, but the material used has since been blown out or washed away. Or…

Scenario 3
These pavers are supposed to have a smaller pavestone inserted in the gap to create a different aesthetic. But a financial decision was made to not purchase them. Or worse, they were purchased, but ran out of time (or money) to have them installed. Or…

Scenario 4
These pavers are simply badly designed for this situation, and were only ever looked upon in a clean and pristine environment, such as a showroom, where they did not have the luxury of collecting rubbish from the thousands of people walking over them.

Knowing they will only be used on the ground, due to their material, thickness, and weight, it may seem obvious (now) that the holes would collect whatever fell into them.

If you have holes in the ground in an external environment, they are going to fill up with something. In this case it's rubbish, cigarette butts mainly.

These pavers sit outside Australia's Sydney Olympic stadium, around the train station (check it out next time you're there). Used by thousands of people walking back and forth from all the events that are held there throughout the year.

Whatever the reason, there is a problem here.

Was it foreseeable?

Yes, I believe it was.

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CitizenRod is a designer, artist, entrepreneur, and thinker. Follow him on Steemit, Twitter, Insta, his artwork here, and his startup at

Note: This article was originally posted on Medium by CitizenRod.

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