Where Are All The Missing Children

There is an epidemic of missing children. Of course, most would be unaware of this as it receives little news coverage. For those of you following my blog, you already have seen a glimpse into the dark corners of government. A government that conducts inhumane experiments on their citizens without their consent. That is involved in mind control, sexual slavery and child kidnapping. That is probably the largest drug dealer in the world. Given the proof that the CIA has been well documented with their hand at the top of several of these operations, one has to wonder how much goes on that has never and will never see the light of day. I pointed out in a previous post that it grows clearer once one begins digging deep into this vast conspiracy against the common citizen that it becomes obvious that the reason for the creation of CPS was to add one more channel for them to steal our kids off into sex slavery and organ harvesting.



Here are some articles to help you understand how this conclusion regarding CPS is inescapable.







What About All The Missing Children

Notice around the 9:30 mark we have yet more testimony from former FBI chief turned whistleblower Ted Gunderson. He discusses some of the child sex slave auctions he uncovered. Yes, auctions for our children that go missing. They are sold for between 15-50k USD. Paraded in their underwear, with a bag over their head, a number on them for the evil perverted bidders who have a lifetime of horrors in mind for OUR CHILDREN. Keep this in mind the next time the news may decide it is time to report on a small sliver of the missing children again.

One has to question how many of these kids finding themselves on these auction runways came from our foster care system, placed there by the CPS as they pick and choose the kids they will be kidnapping today. It is my guess that many of these children don’t make it to those auctions though. Many are being dragged across our borders to the north and south, to be used as slaves and organ donors. Some being used as sacrifices in rituals of allegiance to Lucifer and other dark forces.

How Do We Stop This

A great question to ask, as once one begins to understand the scope of power behind this scheme that views our children as property with no right to dignity and freedom, it can feel overwhelming. But it can be stopped, of this I am sure. There is a group proving it can be done right now in the Arizona desert that I cover frequently now. VOP Alpha company. You can read my posts on them so far here:

1-VOP Child Sex Trafficking Update

2-VOP: Fighting The Sex Traffickers

3-VOP under attack

4-VOP Fight Against Sex Trafficking Shows Anarchy Can Work

5-VOP: Winning The War On Evil

6-Why So Many Ties Between CPS, Foster Care And Sex Trafficking

7-VOP: Exposing The Groups Aiding The Traffickers

8-VOP: When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty

9-VOP Tucson: Patriots Securing The Border

10-The Many Faces Of Human/Organ Trafficking

11-VOP, Abundance Mentality And Law Of Attraction

12-VOP Intercepts Drug Mules

13-When Government Traffics Our Children

14-Judas Of VOP

15-Members Of VOP Now Targeted By CPS

16-Is The Government Involved In Drug/Human Trafficking

17-CIA Pedophile Rings And Gang Stalkers

18-VOP Turns Evidence Collected Over To FBI Despite Their Harassment

19-VOP: When Caesar Attacks

That is quite a lot of updates and information packed in those 19 posts. Links and videos full of proof. My eyes have been opened quite a bit over the time from when I first began covering this since they uncovered the child sex slave camp at Cemex just outside of Tucson. Going from the coverage initially agreeing with VOP on what was going on, the experts such as Craig Sawyer filling in many missing pieces on the various torture devices found at that camp.

Then abruptly everything flipped. Experts backtracking. The police lying repeatedly. Then the persecution began rolling in on Lewis and his ministry as they began combing the desert. Documenting who is involved, where the routes are, evidence carelessly left at the scene. But of course they weren’t scared to be careless as the top authorities have been aiding them with the use of their lands and looking the other way.

To date Lewis and several of his volunteers have been arrested multiple times, had CPS turned on them which caused several volunteers to quit from fear. They have been gang stalked (I have a few articles on my blog on that if you are interested) and now in the latest attempt to stop them from documenting these damning facts against large corporations and politicians, they are now charging Lewis and an independent journalist who has been covering this with criminal trespass felonies, despite the supposed victim being one of their first informants. A victim who has since endangered them by firing an AR multiple times into their camp they say. It speaks volumes that this man who is knee deep in the trafficking (he owns one of the properties being used, which is why he is so angry with them) has been turned from a criminal to a victim by the prosecutor’s office.


But then, I have grown to understand in many cases the office of prosecutor is to act as a strong arm for those in power, not to administer justice. In this photo, you can see the Pima County attorney with her good friend, rep Raul Grijalva. Grijalva is a longtime advocate for the traffickers in Tucson, well loved by the La Raza groups for his efforts to keep an open border. Got to keep them drugs and slaves moving back and forth at any cost.


A note on suspicions of her ethics here


In closing, I am posting maps VOP has put together showing some of their findings. They are showing that we can make a difference, even when the government begins flexing their muscle to attempt to keep their money operations at our expense flowing. Their calling this back yard brawl is perfect, and something all of us can do in our own back yards. The decisions for many awake enough to see this for what it is. Can you find the energy to care after slaving away for your roof and supper? Can you find the righteous anger in your heart to give you that energy? To begin educating those in your neighborhoods, your communities on how corrupt CPS and foster care is. How they abuse and traffic more children than most realize. VOP is strangling one of their main routes to smuggle these kids. We need to start strangling one of their top procuring methods which is the foster care system and their kidnapping arm CPS. Please spread the word to as many as you can. Awareness is a large part of this battle, as many rely on institutional sources who will not be reporting on their own dirty hands. For more information on the abuses within the foster care system and their evil CPS arm, please check out the @familyprotection news feed here on Steemit.





To learn more about VOP, to donate either materials or your time you can visit their website to contact them or to find out what supplies each of their teams missions need at:


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