VOP: Shattering The Illusions

With another week in the books in VOPs mission to stop the child trafficking, the lines of battle continue to take shape. Lines that reveal who is advocating for action, those who advocate for confusion, and those who advocate for business as usual. It is the second line I wish to examine today before sharing the weeks developments. Those who are advocating for confusion. Below is a tweet recently posted on the VOP Twitter feed.


How screwed up is Arizona when the Patriot Movement AZ led by Lesa Antone joins forces with a Pedophile (Ronald Anthony Flores in the red yarn beard) & an Oathbreaker (Matt Winklejohn, standing next to his Pedophile Partner) and their stated goal is to destroy #VOP?


The people in the picture above have made a mission out of trying to discredit VOP. Out of curiosity, I took it upon myself to look into a few of them. I am unsure what proof VOP has regarding the pedophilia charges, but what is known by me is these folks have taken it upon themselves to be a hindrance to the VOP mission. Taken it upon themselves to create as much confusion around the mission of saving these kids as they can.

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Wise words from the bible, Mark 3:25. It has been evident for some time (especially since the nation became aware of the cointelpro programs) that whenever a group of people rise up and take the mantle of voluntary action without government mandate, we see the house divide itself quickly. Divide itself from those we would expect more of, based on their previous walk/talk. Out of curiosity, I took it upon myself to look into the group above. I am unsure if they are simply misguided, paid disinformation agents, or what I suspect may be the case and simply jealous that someone like Lewis has been able to garner the support they desired for themselves.

Watching videos from Winklejohn earlier this morning is what led me to my conclusion it is rooted in jealousy, at least in his case. He has been combing the desert for many years, according to his claims. He uses his experience as his foundation of proof that Lewis is, in his words, an incompetent scammer who is in this only for the money. He concedes in his videos that there is trafficking going on out there, but leaves much insinuation that it all took place years ago. In what I found to be an extremely creepy admission, he mentions several times that he has VOP under 24 hour surveillance. Using this claim to make some absurd assertions such as drug use and lying.

Not wishing to spend a lot of time on discussing him and the others in the pictures above, I needed to share what I did so the main point of this post would have better clarity. The bigger message, that hopefully folks like Winklejohn may come to understand is this:

Misdirection And Inaction Is No Longer Welcome

More people have woken and are waking to the fact that we are operating under many illusions that feed off of our energy and sweat. An illusion that pretends that democracy is offering us freedom as it dehumanizes our very lives. As it plunders the innocence of our children. As it sends our young men and women off to foreign lands to occupy and physically enforce the will of the illusion masters on other folks after the bombs have delivered their payloads of "freedom" on those people who are just trying to live like the rest of us. Then these soldiers come home with perhaps a few ribbons and are ignored by those they served.

With each passing year, not only does the snooping on every facet of our lives grow, nor the growing actions that require a permission slip from the government who would claim to be God. But now they are so bold that they get caught weekly in their underhanded schemes and could care less. Their arrogance such that they will feign indignance over those who would expose them as though that were the true crime. And no doubt, in their minds it is a crime if the common person objects to being treated like a servant, here to toil away at their bidding and offer their children up on the altar of their depraved sexual depravities.

In one of the videos I watched from Winklejohn, he makes fun of the VOP assertions that there is a conspiracy from those in the government and law enforcement involving child trafficking. Not only do I counter this with pointing out the many blog posts I have written on the corrupt child kidnapping agency called CPS, but I have also written on other government programs such as gang stalking and CIA programs that utilize mind control schemes. The proof is everywhere if one but have the courage to look and realize that as George Carlin said, there is a club and you aren't in it.

There are those who will refuse to see the elephant in the room, but for those who can no longer pretend this illusion is real, here is just a few more things to look at to show how embedded in the power structure this evil is.

Clinton State Department covering up pedophile ring.

In recent years the supreme court ruled that the police have no obligation to protect you. Here is an excellent piece that shows they are not only not there to protect you, that they were installed to protect those who believe they own you.


Not sure on this list, but stumbled across it in my research earlier. It purports to be a list of known pedophiles within the government, judicial and law enforcement communities. It is a very large list and would take some time to verify.


Barely two weeks ago, we see the likes of Jeffrey Epstein get a sweetheart plea deal. Instead of life imprisonment, this child sex slave OWNER who catered to the rich and powerful (Did he give Bill Clinton frequent flyer miles?) he ends up with 13 months jail time and his files locked from the public so we won't know the clients involved. A deal I am sure the average pimp who was running one or two adult women (who were consenting) would have given anything to get. This monster kidnapped and forced these young girls to have sex with powerful men. But that is an entrenched right to the rich and powerful. They even had the CIA participating with links to several administrations of BOTH PARTIES, through their MKultra sex slave program.

The proof is so vast I could write an encyclopedia sets worth of books on the KNOWN programs that have been uncovered.

And my call to ministry will have me write some of it. But when someone like Winklejohn has the audacity to suggest it would be unthinkable for the government to be involved in this I shudder to think he is this naive. Regardless of whether he is simply naive and jealous of the attention Lewis has called to this epidemic of child enslavement, or whether he is a paid disinformation agent, it doesn't really matter. The scales of justice have swung one way for two long, and the illusion of a right and left is no longer fooling a majority. Sure, many are still not bold enough to see through it clearly. It is frightening to know there is a food chain and you are what is being consumed. But the scales have tipped past the point of return.

People are tired of the rhetoric. Tired of another years worth of empty promises as business takes us further into hell year after year. The time for debate has stopped. The time for inaction has stopped. Name calling and obfuscation is no longer tolerated by more people daily. We do not need your permission to act, do not need your permission to do what is righteous. We have been doing it the Winklejohn way long enough. That way has seen an increase in trafficking on that border as I showed in a senate report on a previous post. You have not only become obsolete through your methods, God is now using you to help wake more people up who understand all to well what you attempt to achieve when you demand the house once again be divided. This was never about you, this was never about your being the hero. This was about those kids, and if you understood that you would not have made it your mission to stop someone that a rational person would have thought you would join forces with. Even if he was ignorant as you suggest. His expertise before finding that horrible camp was in saving those abandoned vets who were discarded after the wealthy had no further use of them. Now his expertise grows in what you would claim as your land of rule. Please either help or move aside. Those kids having a chance at not being used is worth so much more than your expertise or claim to OWN the saving taking place in that desert. Until such a time as it is stopped, we need every body that cares out there shedding the light on them, and drawing out the scumbags in power who facilitate this. Scumbags such as those in control of Pima county, who grant them (as documented in my previous post) 30,000 dollars.

Latest From VOP

Here is the latest video from Lewis on Fakebook. Fakebook has deleted many of their previous videos, so not sure how long it will be up.


Bases on the evidence VOP has been collecting, they are now estimating 300+ kids are being dragged across the Az/Mexican border daily.


They have well documented with pictures and video (some I have shared on my blog) that not only is there no wall, anyone can walk right across. Mexico has a highway along much of it, one which it is not uncommon for trucks to stop and let large groups out so they can walk right across (dragging children and drugs with them).

Just this week, Yuma border patrol seized 178K worth of meth. Lets stop pretending it wasn't walked across that border.



These heroes need us to support them. To follow their latest finds and actions, you can find updates on their Twitter feed.


To donate your time or supplies, go to:


You can also follow the reporting of independent journalist Paul Flores on his Youtube feed as he video documents his coverage of the VOP mission. He needs support as well, as he burns several tanks of gas weekly independently documenting what is being found out there.


Paul has been instrumental in helping VOP document the state of the border, something that has been lacking from the mainstream and the government. We NEED these heroes to keep us informed, as they continue to walk in righteousness. May God continue to bless us by giving them the strength to continue walking through this den of vipers. Our prayers are with you VOP.

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