VOP: New Year, New Accomplishments, Same Persecution

Before I begin, my apologies it has been a couple of weeks since my last update. Between work, the holidays and the recent outrage taking place here on this platform my time and voting power has been drained. I apologize for those I follow regularly, I haven’t been ignoring you. I hope to regain some semblance of voting power in the next day or two.

Accomplishments/New Projects

In VOP’s own words:

Over 50 children rescued
Over 1 ton of trash removed
Over ¼ million in drugs intercepted
Cartel communications compromised
American traitors identified
Illegal trafficking routes exposed
Dope routes closing down


These are amazing statistics, especially when one considers the persecution I have documented over the last six months here. While the temperature has become better suited for this endeavor, I would remind everyone that when this began VOP members were basically living in that desert in 110+ degree weather, hiking over dangerous terrain, including high ground which means mountains. This is not taking into consideration the threat of violence that the cartels are well known for using when anyone stands in the way of their profits.

Along with picking up the vast amount of trash left by the traffickers (some of which is documenting what they are doing), they are now repairing damaged areas of the wire fence that is damaged by those crossing. You can see some of the trash in the photo below.

God is great, and their perseverance and trust in God have shown us miracles are still alive if one has faith and steps forward, despite the gauntlet those of evil would insist on for those standing up to them.


New Persecution

Several of my posts last year documented the many growing charges being levelled against the founder of VOP, Lewis Arthur. Including the attempt at having him committed that saw those doctors releasing him the same day. Evidently they have brought more charges against him, this time for “trespassing” on government land. I write a lot here on how those in power abuse their positions, treating us as property. This is yet another example of this behavior, as they seem to forget (or rely on most being cowards and afraid to call them out) that the government is representing WE THE PEOPLE. The government does not own that land, we the people own it.

I can’t fail to see that none of the illegals trafficking humans and drugs there face such charges. I think it is also fair to assume that the group contracted by Pima County to provide supplies (I linked to the document in a previous post) get a free pass for being on this same land. It is only if one is trying to stop the flow of narcotics and women and children to be used as sex slaves/organ harvesting that suddenly being in those desolate areas is a horrible crime.

They continue to reveal themselves, reveal their motivations by the reactions they have to this righteous endeavor. Our prayers continue for these brave men and women as they remain steadfast in standing up and saying no, you will not use my brothers, sisters and children for this evil against their souls. We will continue to watch and take note of how desperate some are to protect those who would violate these women and children. Take note of who they are as they continue to reveal the degenerate schemes they desire.

The Facts On The Trafficking On The Border

I have provided many links to outside sources, written over the years on how prevalent this issue is, in my 30+ articles on VOP. I wish now to share a few more in the hopes that those of you just now reading of this, or those of you still on the fence in the wake of all the slander and government abuse will see this for what it is.

An article shared by VOP on their feed from the Huffington Post.


The article (from 2 years ago) states that 80% of all girls and women from Central America are being raped as they cross into the U.S.


Just before Christmas, Border Patrol arrested two men in the Tucson sector who have been previously deported after being arrested for criminal activity, one being an MS13 member, the other for having sexual relations with a minor. You send them back and they just walk right back over to continue on terrorizing the communities here.


About a day earlier than that, not far from Lukeville, where VOP has heavily documented the trafficking, Border Patrol arrested 306 from Central America.


Not sure how many girls and women were in that group, but based on statistics, if even 100 of them were, then 80 of them have either already been raped, or being caught prevented it according to the report by Huffington I linked to above.

Here is a link to the numbers that are being caught by Border Patrol along that southwest border.


Based on the trash and other evidence being collected by VOP, it is clear only a small percentage of those being dragged across the border are ever discovered by an understaffed Border Patrol who are supposed to stop the flow in miles of desert with no impediment to walking across.

In several videos captured by VOP you can see several groups caught wearing camo gear, and as mentioned months back they will often wear shoes made to disguise their foot traffic.

To better understand what these girls and women are enduring, here is a story of one such woman who was trafficked as a sex slave. She estimates she was raped more than 43000 times.


She was never brought into the United States, but this is how these organizations use and view these women. She is now an activist fighting to end the horrible circumstances that befell her.

This next story is a tragic video focusing on Jadyn. She was caught up in being sex trafficked. According to the numbers cited here, there are more than 57,000 girls and women being used as sex slaves in the U.S., and I suspect that number is low.

She is an American, and have no doubt that our kids are being targeted by these same evil pieces of shit to use just as they do the girls and women they are importing across the border they insist can be walked across.

How To Help VOP Fight Those Who View The Worlds Children As Sex Toys Or Organ Farms

You can visit their website to apply to go put boots on the ground, or see the list of supplies they need donated. They accept no cash for the work they do out there, donating their time, comfort and safety to this mission.


If you are concerned about being targeted for visiting their website, this is the list of their current needs and where to send help anonymously if you prefer.

Supply Request for Alpha:
Night Vision Camera
Infrared Scope
Battery Chargers
Tires for ATV
Coconut Water
Gatorade Powder
Fuel Cards (Giant, Shell, Circle K)
Home Depot / Lowes Gift Cards

Supply Request for Charlie and Delta:
High Powered Flashlights
High Powered Spotlights
2 Cabela Cabin Tents w/ PB Stove
Camo Netting
6 Flare Guns
Insect Repellent
Walmart / Fry's Gift Cards (groceries)
Chem Lights
Tactical Backpacks
Solar Lights
Large Zip Ties

American Flags
Flag Pole Kits
Duct Tape
Solar Spotlights (must have for each Flag)

Please Send all Donations To:
C/O VOP Alpha Co
1830 E Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85719

Please note they do not accept cash donations.

To follow their video evidence as they post it on Twitter, please visit:


Thank you to all of you who are outraged that this is happening. Outraged at obvious levels of government involvement as they reveal they will not tolerate this evil being stopped. Let’s continue to shed the light on this until they scurry back to the darkness to escape our scrutiny and justice.

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