VOP: Attacking The Supply Machine Aiding The Traffickers

All liquid Steem raised on this post will be donated to @familyprotection in the raffle being currently held. All entries from this will be going to @mayaabb. Hopeful she wins and can help her retain a lawyer. You can read her story here and her need to retain a lawyer here. Together we can stop the theft of children from their families, whether it be from strangers or from government, where far to often they end up in the same depraved abusive situations those taken by strangers do.

We The People

As those of you following my posts on VOP read a month ago, Lewis and his ministry noticed that the traffickers routes coincided with the water and supplies that a non profit called Humane Borders was leaving out in the desert. I posted the confrontation that the head of that group had with Lewis as he was leaving court on one of the many harassment charges Pima County has leveled against him. You can read my post and follow a link to video of the confrontation here:


Lewis had tried to get them to understand that their aid to the illegals was not able to separate the traffickers from the migrants who simply sought a better life. Unfortunately they revealed their hand when they refuse to work together with VOP in devising a way to ensure their aid is not aiding those who deal in the debasement of women and children as sex slaves or worse. Lewis has had enough, and has declared war on their supply chains, replacing their blue flags they use to alert the traffickers with his red ones as he empties most of the water from their barrels, leaving just enough so that they can stay hydrated until they are discovered and caught as they will not have enough for long distance traveling.


Here is an article on Humane Borders and the hardships they have caused with their stations to residents who live nearby some of their stations.


Note how some of the residents are afraid to walk around their area now, and carry a gun when they do. Sadly, once again this seems another tie between Pima County and the trafficking. I had read Lewis say on his Twitter that Humane Borders was receiving money from Pima County to leave the supplies out there for the migrants (traffickers), so I looked for myself and this is what I dug up.

First, their tax documents can be found on their own website.


Unfortunately, while it does say how much they have been given as they operate as a non profit, it doesn't break down the sources. So I had to do a little more digging to see how much of their $103,178.00 came from Pima County. Here is what I found.


Pima County awarded them a $30,000 contract to put water in that desert between 7-1-2018 and 6-30-2019.

So there you have it. The government has not only been harassing the VOP ministry via trolls, false allegations given to the news media to run, changing their stories again and again as documented with video by VOP. We now see they are taking tax money forced from the pockets pf their hard working citizens to facilitate this trafficking that causes nearby residents to be fearful to even go outside.

I find it telling that on the one hand we have the government and media acknowledging how terrible this child trafficking is, how rampant it is such as I wrote of in my last post where I shared this report from Senator Rob Portman compiled in 2016.


In his report, it concluded that there had been a surge of unaccompanied children being dragged across the border, and once here the vast majority of them are being trafficked. He further went on to note that the Department of Health and Human Services could take a lot of the blame for this increase. Yet with all these and so many other facts and stories I have been sharing from the so called accepted media and government on how rampant this is, we are supposed to believe that they are unaware that these pervert traffickers are using these water stations? Using them in the same routes that has been reported since before VOP discovering the camp on Cemex by the acceptable sources?

Enough is enough. None of the official story(ies) holds up, and it is well past time to stop this trafficking.

Thank You Lewis And VOP For Caring About The Cries Of Those Children


Your faith in God to provide and protect your mission has been an inspiration for all of us these many months as we have watched the enemies of the Lord attack you and your ministry to protect their evil matrix. So much that I have been pulled to make many changes myself, empowered by your examples as you and your brothers and sisters of VOP have shown one does not wait for others to act first. One is called every day to make the difference and be ready to serve. I will be announcing my own plans in the coming weeks as I too am moved to walk in righteousness. There is a ministry waiting for all of us if we are willing to open our eyes and hearts. One that is stronger than turning a blind eye to the evil that festers around us daily.

Our prayers are with the VOP family now as they set out to claim the mountains so they can monitor the valleys where the understaffed Border Patrol cannot. If you are interested in volunteering to help them with boots on the ground, go to their website to fill out an application.


Or you can donate items they are in need of. Here is the list of what they need and where to send it. They do not accept cash.

Supply Request for Alpha:
Night Vision Camera
Infrared Scope
Battery Chargers
Tires for ATV
Coconut Water
Gatorade Powder
Fuel Cards (Giant, Shell, Circle K)
Home Depot / Lowes Gift Cards

Supply Request for Charlie and Delta:
High Powered Flashlights
High Powered Spotlights
2 Cabela Cabin Tents w/ PB Stove
Camo Netting
6 Flare Guns
Insect Repellent
Walmart / Fry's Gift Cards (groceries)
Chem Lights
Tactical Backpacks
Solar Lights
Large Zip Ties

American Flags
Flag Pole Kits
Duct Tape
Solar Spotlights (must have for each Flag)

Please Send all Donations To:
C/O VOP Alpha Co
1830 E Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85719

Please note they do not accept cash donations.

My apologies to those of you who have been following this through my blog. I know my posts have dropped a lot. I have been preparing my own ministry, and setting up my plans as I have been reorganizing my life. My first newsletters will be published in the coming weeks, and my first books from compiling them together for self publishing in a couple of months. I can reach more people using my knowledge of self publishing, as well as earn more money to help further my ministry. As I noted some weeks ago, my time here is being cut way back, but will still try to get at least one post in per week to keep you updated on VOP and my own ministry that will be intersecting with theirs quite a bit. Thanks for your interest in what is going on in that desert. It is crucial we do not let them take our eyes off of this as they do so often with the now daily crimes that pass by with no justice.

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