VOP 2.0: When Corruption Is Embedded In The Institutions Controlling Government

Watching the VOP ministries struggle to end the human/drug trafficking along the Southern border has continued to reveal the depths of corruption from those pretending to represent the electorate. Watching as they have stacked charges upon the ministry as they shed light on what is taking place in that desert. Light upon those involved. At no time before now has the world had access to a daily coverage of the vast trafficking schemes taking place along that border where Mexican highway 2 runs closely alongside it.

We have witnessed videos and false news stories being scrubbed. Many disinformation groups spring forward to slander their findings. Some reputed to being paid by FBI agents. Back tracking from experts on their original conclusions. Yet, the evidence itself has still been preserved for those who can wade through that muck and look for themselves.

It is frightening to understand the depths those running our institutions are embedded in when it comes to profiting from schemes that view others as commodities to use and discard. The pill is one many refuse to swallow, as it leaves one questioning not only their own security, but can easily lead to the logical conclusion that standing up to these schemes is a futile effort.

For clarification, this will be an examination on some of this corruption. I am going to shine some light on other well known cases of government involvement in the sex and drug trade. In many cases bending over backwards to protect pedophile rings that service a clientele that is apparently a protected class.

FBI Denied The Existence Of The Mafia For Decades

It seems to me that given the vast powers granted to the FBI, it is apparent that the FBI had to be aware of the mafia pretty soon after they began. I have long considered the mafia to be an extension of sorts from the intelligence community. One of the more telling being Hoovers denial of their existence until evidence surfaced by local New York police on the infamous 1957 Apalachin meeting where dozens of upper echelon mobsters were arrested. Prompting a congressional investigation, the FBI finally had to admit grudgingly that there was some form of organization to criminal rackets.


One would have to ask how it would have been possible for Hoover to not know of their existence when in 1942 the navy went to mobster Luciano for help in quelling pro Italy sympathies domestically.


Given Hoovers penchant for illegally collecting evidence on everyone in power and using it to coerce them when needed there simply is no way that he was ignorant of the illegal power structures in the nation.


His favorite secrets: collecting evidence involving compromising sexual activities.


It would seem a no brainer that he was in fact using his office to run some of the world’s largest criminal activities, ensuring their protection from other branches of law enforcement and the political spectrum. Another famous case involving the FBI running a criminal enterprise involved the city of Boston.

The Power Behind Whitey Bulger

Whitey is a telling case when it comes to understanding how entrenched this corruption goes. Using his contacts within the FBI, he used their law enforcement powers to shield himself from arrest as they did his bidding to arrest his competition. Thus leaving him the face of power when it came to organized crime in Boston. This man was a brutal savage who murdered a proven 11 people, but was suspected of murdering 19. These are only the known ones.

Using the term Top Echelon Informant, they aided him in his drug, extortion, and terror enterprise. I wish to point out here that while incarcerated he was used in the MKultra mind control experiments taking place in the prison system.




We can’t forget the penchant for protecting pedophile operations

If Jeffrey Epstein doesn’t wake people up on how entrenched the corruption is, I doubt people can be woken. His black book of clients (the ones we are aware of anyway) reads like a who’s who of celebrities and politicians (Clinton, Trump and Prince Andrew). He was given a sweetheart deal, his secrets locked away from public scrutiny now.


We are talking about a man here who provided underage girls to people of power. Sex slavery, girls being raped and this man barely gets one year. Really let that sink into your head. 13 months for forcing girls to have sex, sometimes 3 times per day, and he only gets 13 months. The sick people who raped those girls? They escaped justice completely.

State Department Protecting Pedophiles

Not surprisingly, we see the name Clinton appearing again. This time as the wife was Secretary of State.


We also have the organ market taking place here in the U.S. as I recently reported on.

As I reported here, it is a fact the CIA is running most of the drugs into the United States. Here is a video I shared from that post.

I won’t even get into the CPS/foster care scam that is funneling children from their homes into dangerous situations. I have written extensively on that as well and you can peruse my blogs for evidence of the corruption. Sadly, this scheme was incentivized by none other than Bill Clinton during his presidency via the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.


Yes, There Is Corruption Targeting VOP.

It is undeniable given the vast amount of information leaking (rushing?) out to us for years that it is more likely than not the branches of power have been compromised. I am guessing that there is no deep state, there is no swamp. It is business as usual. And other than perhaps a surprise here and there it is impossible for someone not willing to be part of the club ever gaining a position of authority. Sucks, but that’s just how it is.

Yet, despite this vast power arrayed against the average person, we are not powerless. VOP has been proving this in several ways now for 10 months. They have proven the following:

When one has faith, miracles do happen. Despite being the targets of ridicule, stalking and government misuse of power they are still here mapping, documenting, cleaning up that desert of the mass amount of trash being left, and most importantly exposing not only what goes on daily out in that desert from the border, but exposing the entrenched corruption as they reveal themselves trying to stop them.

That people can band together voluntarily and get things done, better than any governing body can as the governing bodies get corrupted quickly. There is power in governing bodies, power over others. It seems it is fair to conclude that once power over others is involved there will be a rush by evil pieces of shit to fill those positions and begin profiting off the pain of those under its heel. VOP has demonstrated that their love for these innocents is not confined to their ministry, as people from around the world have waded through the muck thrown around them to reach into their pockets and aid them in this financially. Others have sacrificed their lives to go join them.

We are not powerless. I was exposed to a saying as I have followed the VOP ministry. WWG1WGA (Where we go 1, we go all). There is great power as people of similar intent gather together. Placing our faith, our actions, into common goals. This is why the corrupt leaders who believe they own us have their media constantly pitting us against one another racially, through gender, through political cults. They understand the day we focus on our commonalities their days are numbered.

We can end much of the misery, hunger and corruption taking place if we understand they WANT this corruption, hunger and anger. They can’t be the answer when they are the problem. The answer has to come from our peaceful joining together. This is an example of what can happen when people say no more. Around the 1 minute mark you can see brave people joining arms and standing up to the might arrayed against them. Their faith and intent joined them together, winning them their victory that day. This was the day the Russians said no more and sealed the dissolvement of the Soviet Union.

To follow the VOP mission to stop the trafficking/rape and organ harvesting of those crossing the southern border, go to:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Az-Desert-Guardians-802280036785094/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VopReal

A Must read…the horrifying story from the head of the VOP ministry himself, Lewis Arthur.


To help them secure the border, send an email to sol.wftf@gmail.com or lewis.vop@gmail.com.

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