VOP 2.0: Update on Phosphorous Warheads Found On Trafficking Trail

Three days ago, I shared with you the frightening find by VOP. Dozens of cases of phosphorous war heads in the desert within close walking distance to a cache of water set out for traffickers. After 12+ hours, EOD officials finally showed up and took control. They discovered that the phosphorous warheads had been emptied of their contents and were simply empty canisters now. On the VOP Twitter page, it was shared that apparently phosphorous is used to make meth.



While I will entertain this as a possibility, I have to wonder that weapons grade phosphorous (I could be ignorant here, but guessing there might be something added to this that is not in phosphorous one would find in flares) that SHOULD need accounted for on military bases (since it is illegal to use per the Geneva convention) would be a primary source for their meth making needs.

Either way, I have a feeling that there will be no deep investigation on how these dangerous warheads made their way off a base and onto a proven trafficking route. National security and all, ya know. Of course, we all know that it has likely crossed the border already, that border that no one in government wants to secure. That would keep shit like this and all those women and kids being trafficked from happening in the numbers they are. I suspect that it was smarter to move it this way and put the weapons grade material into new warheads that can't be traced back to the U.S. So if we see a "rogue" nation (thinking of Syria here) accused of using them, my first thought will be these empty warheads out in the desert.

Who Are All These People In Camo

Throughout the month of December, almost nightly one of the trail cams or drones of VOP caught groups moving through the routes in Camo clothing.



It is easy enough for them to cross, seeing as how Mexican Highway 2 runs parallel to the border, within a 1.5 minute walk or less. Trucks pull over and let their human/drug cargoes out to begin the next leg of their journey, along these routes. It doesn't seem natural that poor people journeying many miles to escape poverty would be able to outfit themselves so easily in camo clothing and often, carpet shoes to avoid detection. There is another proof that there is money supporting this, which implies there is profit being made here. Huge profit once one understands how lucrative the drug trade it. How lucrative the human trafficking trade is. The sex slave trade. The organ harvesting trade. And now we can add the weapons trade.

We need to aid the brave ministry fighting to stop this. Whether you can aid them with your time, your donations or through educating others we need to get awareness of this sick business KNOWN. This has nothing to do with poor families traveling here for a better life. Not many feel the government is helping us have better lives, and they sure as hell aren't trying to give these desperate souls coming for a better life one. They merely use them as a subterfuge to hide their real moves, which is all this high profit crimes against humanity shit VOP has been uncovering.

Tonight's post is a short one again. To educate yourself further, I have close to 40 posts spanning 6 months now on their finds and the government retaliation attempting to shut them down. You should also check out their official Twitter feed, which can be found here.

Keep these heroes in your prayers, and thank God for their faith to stand strong against these evil schemes against our children and neighbors. In faith all things are possible.

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