VOP 2.0: The Victims, Part Two

This may be my last post on the Back Yard Brawl. I apologize it took so long to get out. I have procrastinated, a sense of trepidation seizing me when I would entertain putting this together. It has been ten long months since that horrifying day Lewis Arthur set out on one of his routine missions to help homeless vets get off the streets and put their lives back together. Ten months since he discovered that child sex trafficking camp and risked his freedom and life trying to scream to the world the horrors taking place in that desolate desert.

Because of the timeliness of this post coinciding with a @deepdives theme of regime change and coups on foreign soil, I wish to direct you to their contest so you may further validate the way the U.S. interferes and sets up dictators in other countries. You can read more on that here.

Before getting to the victims, a recap of the last 10 months. Under a barrage of persecution, his ministry has continued to collect evidence through video to share with the rest of us. Evidence of:

  • Cartel routes

  • Rape Trees

  • U.S. Government aid to these cartels

  • Mountains of evidence such as maps, burner phones, ID’s, videos of camouflaged outfitted men entering the country regularly.

  • Cases of U.N. banned Phosphorous warheads emptied out on one of the smuggler routes.

Despite the volume of direct evidence what we have as we close out one year of his ministries sacrifice is:

  • Many criminal charges against him and several of his ministry.

  • Scrubbed videos and news articles slandering him (one was a falsified BOLO issued not by the police, but by one of the many counties using taxpayer dollars to fund supplies for the trafficking routes).

  • Persecution from: CPS, Tucson police department, Pima County Attorney’s office, and agencies of the Federal government.

Nothing has changed, other than the cartels are being more careful to put their trash in bags now that they know he has been collecting it for evidence. VOP continues to stumble across their bags of trash, but they are not as easily spotted as the vast amount of trash littering large areas was. I thank the Walking For The Forgotten ministry of VOP, and continue to support them in this cross they carry on their backs for their exploited brothers and sisters. If something new comes up, I will write on it here. But I think it is a given at this point the weekly evidence will continue on in the same manner. More cartel lookout posts discovered. More signs of trafficking. More signs of misery and pain. Lewis and his ministry are attempting to fight a symptom to a larger problem; a symptom that is apparent will not end unless the cause is addressed. I will get to that shortly.

The Victims

Every year hundreds of thousands (a million?) of people cross into the United States at the Mexican border illegally. Quite a number of them traveling quite a distance as they did not originate from Mexico, but instead come from central and south America. To be clear, we are speaking now of the innocent people who are fleeing horrible conditions. Undertaking the dangerous trek of moving through dangerous land they are not indigenous to, in order to finally arrive in the United States. A question that haunts my mind is for every person who actually makes it to that U.S. border, how many did not? Kidnapped into slavery or harvested for their organs. The violence faced in both Mexico and Central/South America is horrifying.

Here is but one of the many faces of someone fleeing for a better life. This is Anthony, who is 16. This is his second attempt to get to the U.S. from Honduras. Honduras has the second highest murder rate in the world. Anthony was 14 the first time he tried to escape the horrifying conditions he is forced to live in.

To shed some perspective, here are known illegal migration statistics from the U.S. Border Patrol.


Keep in mind, the more than quarter million apprehensions for fiscal year 2019 (5 months) does not account for the ones who made it through, only the ones apprehended. It is possible that double/triple+ that number have made it through. And as mentioned, possibly double/triple that never make it to that border, meeting with a fate that is heartbreaking to imagine.



What Are they Fleeing?



This next link contains graphic photos of the violence. Do not open around children, or if you would prefer not to see firsthand the devastation that is a daily way of life for so many of these people.


Why A Wall Only Addresses Symptoms, Not The Cause

Much of this horrifying way of life is due to the U.S. controlling the leaders of these countries for various dark business projects involving drugs, sex slavery, and probably organ harvesting, to name a few. Here is a video on the CIA drug trafficking business from the Montel show years ago. In the episode, an ex DEA undercover agent tells us his story of being undercover. He set up elaborate drug trafficking routes into the U.S., then was pulled from the setup as it was handed over to the intelligence community. He goes on to say they (at that time anyway) continue to ship the drugs in. It was never meant to stop the flow of drugs, it was an operation meant to solidify their hand in profiting from it.

School Of The Americas

It needs to be understood that the U.S. is an empire, much the way England was. In fact, I am uncertain at this point England is not still an empire that used the force of the U.S. as a tentacle of its power. One of the empires tentacles is the stranglehold that is exerted on Latin America. They have installed dictators who allow them to more openly use violence to achieve their goals. Trained the enforcers for these dictators as they manipulate and use these people in a manner that is heartbreaking.



From that article above:

“U.S. Army intelligence manuals used to train Latin American military officers at an Army school from 1982 to 1991 advocated executions, torture, blackmail and other forms of coercion against insurgents, Pentagon documents released yesterday show.

Used in courses at the U.S. Army’s School of the Americas, the manual says that to recruit and control informants, counterintelligence agents could use fear, payment of bounties for enemy dead, beatings, false imprisonment, executions and the use of truth serum, according to a secret Defense Department summary of the manuals compiled during a 1992 investigation of the instructional material and also released yesterday.”

The answer to what is causing this dis-ease is obvious, although the cure could kill the patient (and often has I suspect). The U.S. has to get out of the drug business. Get out of the human trafficking business. Get out of the empire business. It is the empire that is the root cause of all of this. An empire run by very evil, sadistic people. It is because I am of the mind this will not stop any time soon, if at all, that I no longer advocate for a wall. These people need our help, need our compassion. This image some on the right push as though they are all LaRaza Atzlan supremacists, or gang members, or terrorists, or lazy bums coming for a handout ignores the reality of so many fleeing in terror. It is just as absurd as the flip side that pretends there are very little signs of the mass rapes, drug trafficking, violence, sex slavery and organ trafficking going on, just innocent people. Neither picture is accurate. It is all of the above.

The question for an average person with no empire backing them is this. Do you have compassion for the victims of the U.S./world empire?

You may be asking yourselves, what can I do about it? I have no power against a vast empire. To attack an empire head on is suicide. I don’t advocate using violence to stop this, as they have the monopoly on that. The key to changing this begins with love in our hearts. Compassion for these victims, an understanding that just as we can say “what can I do” these people say it too. They understood and heroically migrated through dangerous conditions in the hope they might be able to start anew in a land they don’t even speak the language in. Please understand how desperate one must be to tackle what these people are doing.

It is imperative that people stop resenting them for being victims trying to live. Imperative we give them a shoulder to lean on while being vocal about the cause of this dis-ease plaguing their countries. Vocal in letting the politicians who take their payoffs (some in fear I imagine) know this is unacceptable. In letting those who are the bricks to these evil foundations know this can’t continue.

Building a wall? It solves none of this. Those bricks won’t stop the tears of loss and degradation that the empire demands.

To Continue Following The VOP Ministry


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A Must read…the horrifying story from the head of the VOP ministry himself, Lewis Arthur.


Who is Lewis Arthur

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