VOP 2.0: The Victims, Part One

The evil schemes that VOP has been fighting on the border have many victims, many not from the border area itself. The focus of this article is shedding light on the victims who are on the border, the ranchers who own land in the area. In part two, we will examine a broader spectrum of victims.

As VOP has pointed out, there are many ranchers who chose to join in, whether out of fear or greed it is hard to say. But there are ranchers who chose not to join in with the cartels, and these brave folks are heroes. Heroes abandoned to their own devices by the government who is supposed to protect them. But as should be obvious to all following this tragic battle unfolding, it is clear there are many within government and intelligence communities actively protecting “their” assets and to protect these ranchers would not be profitable to their bottom line.

When I initially began research for this article, I had tried to dig up a report that Glenn Beck had run on Fox about ten years ago. In that report, Beck had shared pictures of decapitations and beheadings that were taking place on OUR side of that border. Limbs hung in trees, heads placed on porch roofs. He had aired the report on his then running Fox news show, but had to post the pictures on his website due to the graphic nature of the content. The only thing I could find on the internet on this was a forum post with a link, but the link only took you to a scrubbed webpage that no longer existed. I will focus more on this aspect of the violence in part two however despite this, but wanted to share so you can understand the threat these border ranchers face.

Meet Jim Chilton, Border Rancher

Jim Chilton is an interesting man. He is somewhat of a throwback in time. When men were men, and didn’t flinch in the face of overwhelming odds. Just last year a Border Patrol agent was shot on his land, which spans five and a half miles along the Az/Mexican border. Recently he shared a stage with President Trump on the wall, speaking in front of 7000 other farmers/ranchers.


Jim’s voice on this issue is not a new one. Back as far as 2010 he was being interviewed about the threat he was under daily, a threat forcing him to walk his property armed at all times.

Here is a more recent video taken of the armed men in camo clothing he captures on his hidden videos on his property from a year ago. Notice a pattern here, as VOP has also caught a lot of footage elsewhere of groups in camo clothing crossing over into our country.

To see that it is a threat to all the ranchers on that border, here is a video of a different rancher (John Ladd). Notice that he says that before the 80’s it wasn’t a big deal, that they often would pay those coming across to help on the ranch, and everything was pleasant. But in the 80’s (when Bush and his ilk swept into the white house behind their actor front man) everything changed and the mood changed to one of fear.

I urge all of you to understand the very real threat that Americans are facing from the schemes taking place on that border. The evil people running these schemes use decent folks coming to escape deplorable conditions to hide their doings. Use them as a front to run sinister trafficking operations. Schemes run by folks with no regard to human life or decency. Folks who rape, decapitate and dismember, sell their brothers and sisters into slavery or slaughter them for their organs. Who run poison into our neighborhoods that addict and destroy our families.

Please understand, this is an ongoing problem involving hundreds to thousands daily, just here at the border. In my next piece, part two, I shall expand the view on the victims, shedding light on who they are, what they must overcome and why they need our help.

VOP Is Making A Difference

VOP continues to document what is going on out there, as they have been targeting the cartel nests. Here is a picture they shared yesterday showing where Cartel activities have been taking place.



Please keep the VOP/Walking For The Forgotten Ministry of Lewis Arthur in your prayers. His ministry demonstrates daily the compassion and love we should have for others.
If you wish to be part of the solution and help Lewis and his ministry, you can find out more here:


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A Must read…the horrifying story from the head of the VOP ministry himself, Lewis Arthur.


Who is Lewis Arthur

Thank you for your interest. It is only through apathy and blind trust of Americans that this den of vipers has gripped so many within their evil grasp. Together, our prayers and actions can make a difference in so many lives that are being torn apart by these despicable people who prey on all of us.

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