VOP 2.0: New Allies And The Secret Hand

There has been quite a restructuring taking place in the VOP maneuvers to thwart the child trafficking taking place at the southern border. One that is still not clear exactly. Here is what is known so far.



Lewis Arthur is no longer with VOP. He has moved on in what appears to be a new phase in this battle. He has reactivated (not sure if this is the correct view as it may have been part of his hidden hand he mentioned a lot over the last 7 months) the Arizona Constitutional Guard and is accepting applicants if they meet the following criteria.

No violence
No hatred
No government

They have a Fakebook page they mentioned on Twitter, however they provided no link. I spent the better part of an hour tracking it down, and provide it here for those interested in following them.


From what I am reading between the lines here, it appears that VOP will be continuing to collect intelligence as the Constitutional Guard begins taking a more active role in stopping the traffickers as they enter the country. They have not said this, but it is what seems to be implied overall.

VOP 2.0 is no longer accepting donations, however the Arizona Constitutional Guard will be. At the time of this writing, there appears to be no way to know what they need, other than a video posted on their Fakebook page from Becky, who has been there from the start. She has been one of the pillars of strength for Lewis through all of this, and it is heartening to see she still has a major role in helping him as he expands the operation into different missions that support the larger picture. Her video is here:


While it remains uncertain what Lewis will be doing as of yet, there is no doubt from the way one applies for the Guard that he is overseeing who will be accepted, so don’t think for one moment that he has been scared off by the intense pressure he is under from the despicable pieces of shit running the city and county. His faith and ministry is stronger than that. Speaking of those who enforce and profit, using their political and law enforcement offices to oversee the traffic of women, children and drugs, now they are pushing to make Tucson a sanctuary city.


I have suspected for many months now that the politicians have been using the plight of the decent illegals trying to escape the horrendous living conditions of their regions to hide the vast trafficking schemes they profit from. So this move to further shield them from what VOP has unearthed comes as no surprise to me. Because let’s be honest, there is a reason that the already existing sanctuary cities have violent illegals roaming their streets. It’s like a get out of jail free card, granting immunity of sorts to criminals if they are here illegally. And make no mistake on this, many who come here to find a better life are trying to escape many of the assholes being caught and released. Sanctuary should not apply to criminals.

I will use a case well known as an example, that of Kate Steinle. The man who caused her death had been deported 5 times before, and yet crossed that porous border to be here again to commit manslaughter on that poor girl. He had 5 felony convictions prior to this, and was currently on probation in Texas at the time. He was definitely not a good dude, although I don’t believe he murdered her purposely. But the truth is, good dudes don’t manufacture narcotics, as he had been convicted of. As a sanctuary city, San Francisco chose not to honor the Federal Governments request to turn him over to immigration officials. They chose to disregard the request, putting this dude who shouldn’t be here back on the streets, much to the misfortune of the Steinle family and those who know and love them.

I mention this not to rehash that particular tragedy, but to illustrate just one of the many ways this “sanctuary” makes no distinction in regards to those who come here wanting to put a roof over their families head in a decent way beneficial to the community, from those like this asshole who was a parasite on those communities unfortunate enough to endure his presence.

It became apparent quickly after VOP discovered the child trafficking camp, that the “authorities” have went that extra mile to slow down, thwart and discredit the many documents of real evidence Lewis and his brothers/sisters have uncovered. It is clear to me this is just one more layer in their arsenal of protections to ignore the obvious.

It's the democratic way, add another layer of law in and look befuddled when put on the spot about a solution. They can do what they do best. Shrug and pretend it is the systems fault, and is bigger than anyone can fix. It’s been a handy excuse for them for years at the welfare of us all. Just one of those things we have to accept so those innocents they use as pawns to cover-up their evil perverted systems can finally know freedom.

Update On My Newsletter

Between work and research, I am far behind schedule. I get distracted in research, and with feeling exhausted so much it has allowed time to pass by that shouldn’t have. Based on the reorganization taking place at VOP, it allowed for me to have another epiphany.

One of my biggest obstacles was writing the beginning of this. So much has been scrubbed from the internet, as is obvious by looking at links and videos on my blog going back 6 months. Despite that, my blog serves as a reference point. But a good month had passed before I began covering this, and that month is crucial in setting up the players and their foundations as being obstacles. Thankfully, Lewis begun setting it all down in chronological order. This is enough to get me to where my own documentation of events will be sufficient, and I hope to have my first newsletter self-published in the next 7-9 days maximum. The plan is to publish them until there will be enough to compile into a book, which at that point it will be released onto all the major eBook stores (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple etc).

I wish to point out as well, that unlike some who know this crime is taking place, I choose to stay away from some of the more sensational stuff being written that has no foundation other than speculation and deduction on what is most likely. Examples of this are the speculation on Clinton’s involvement, Bronfman etc. While I believe there is likely involvement, to keep throwing these connections around because these people frequent the same circles, or are invested in some of the same corporations, without evidence, harms the truth of what is documented.

All of us have our own calling if we listen and submit. While I won’t condemn those doing this (even VOP has entertained in the speculation to a degree), it is not part of MY mission to do this. I want all of you to know that when I share something, that unless I specify that it is speculatory, there is fire to be seen where the smoke is. In my opinion it is all of the speculation that allows for the laughing and finger pointing as people talk of tin foil hats. There is so much evidence here that people in power are panicking over being discovered. Just keep on exposing and their panic will continue to force them to reveal themselves in desperation, as people recognize them for the greedy, perverted pieces of shit they are.

Thank you for caring enough to follow this tragedy as it continues to unfold. As long as people remain ignorant it will continue. As long as people have no faith their voice and caring matters, it won’t end. Whether you believe in God or not, know that if you feel your heart being moved on the suffering of these women and children who are used for sex and organs, your voice is vital to end this. Together we can let them know, this isn’t going to happen in my back yard. And that's our final answer.

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