Prayers Needed For VOP Founder Lewis Arthur

It's with a sad heart I share the news that Lewis Arthur was arrested about one month ago. He was charged with theft and vandalism on the water tanks that have been supporting the cartels movement of drugs and human sex slaves/organ crops. I wasn't surprised that they finally moved on him, as I worried back when I was still blogging about his heroic efforts. Just that it took them this long to act upon it, especially with his video documenting himself doing it.

This champion of women and children is in need of our thoughts and prayers, as he has been abandoned by his closest members, who have fled the state. The only news coming out since his arrest have been from the groups whom have made it a full time job to slander and persecute him. Here is a video that one of his main opponents has shared of his from his live Facebook feed. As those of you whom have followed this from my blog before know, the videos are deleted/scrubbed often, so you may wish to download it to preserve it if you are of a mind to.

Here is his YouTube channel, but it doesn't contain many of his videos such as the many Facebook live videos he shot.

His official Twitter feed:

Here is a link to one of my posts before on VOP for those who missed it and want to understand this man who made it his mission to stop the trafficking of kids for the likes of the Epsteins of the world.

According to those who were against him, he is currently on a hunger strike. I pray that God gives him the strength and wisdom to move forward as He would want, and that all actions taken against him to protect the evil schemes he exposed backfire. This man is a true man of God, preferring to act in faith when most whisper is fear from the shadows. I'm thankful that God moved this mans heart to show all of us the righteousness of walking the talk.

Please keep him not only in your prayers, but talk with those you know about this. Keep watching for updates, as they would prefer this all to quietly fade away, as in the case of Epstein, or the Bundy ranch.

So many men of character standing up and battling those who would prefer to take freedom and love of God and replace it with the illusions of such. Their efforts are only in vain if the rest of us turn our backs and ignore them. Each of us is a light, and together we can help these warriors make those who would own and abuse us scurry back to the shadows they hide in.

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