Living with Back Pain & Sciatca

Since an early age I had a weak back, the problem was how to deal with it and avoid pills at the same time. Having my back cracked in a car accident in 1991 didn't do much to help matters, besides the chiropractor and a heavy dose of painkillers I had a great fear of becoming addicted to pills to kill the pain.

Fortunately a move to a warmer climate with stable humidity was a factor in resolving some of the pain, as was my fascination with using gems and crystals for healing.

What I came up with research and testing was Smoky Quartz known as nature's painkiller, and Sunstone which besides it's pleasant appearance treats the sciatic nerve and and a number of other ailments.

Sunstone & Smoky Quartz

A real dazzler in the sun, but on a practical basis is excellent for those with weak backs ad sciatic nerve problems, a natural painkiller. Smoky Quartz is the strongest natural pain killer known to man in the gem world.

Smoky Quartz is known as a protective stone; it strengthens connective tissue as well as muscles, benefiiting the hips, legs, back and relieves cramps.

Sunstone was dedicated to the Greek God Helios due to its golden sparkle. An inspiring stone,, it is linked to the benevolent gods bringing luck and good fortune.

Its helpful for the treatment of exhaustion, invigorates the heart, back, kidneys and helps with poor blood circulation. Provides stamina and lifts the spirits. Treats stomach ulcers, cartilage problems, rheumatism, general aches and pains,
it also helps with Seasonal Adjustment Disorder, SAD and helps with a sore throat.

It's one of those items I never leave home without.


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