Back from Steemfest with a big handful of experiences

Before the beginning of Steemfest 3, @anomadsoul started an initial called "Road to Steemfest" (RTSF) where people to be attending Steemfest would get to know each others. Well, now it is time for "Back from Steemfest", again initiated by Eric, and share what we got with us from Steemfest. Let's start with...

The funniest photo you took.

I actually have two which are equally funny, at least for me, so I have to share them both.


First one was actually after the official event on the following day after the ending drinks. We, the last Steemians still left in Krakow, were in a bar and about to leave, when suddenly this man (on the left) with a theatrical attitude comes out of nowhere and hands @hashcash flowers. Such a random occurrence, lol.


The second one is this peace of bread/baguette on the table in front of our AirBnb that stayed there until us checking out. Every time I saw it, it cracked me up. I mean, where did it come from? Who? Why? How? Someone was drunk? But how come there is only the other side of the bred and nothing else on there?

It is such a minor random detail, but I just find it hilarious - I find it perfectly suiting for describing "The Frat House".

The coolest/most interesting story/anecdote you have about SF.

It must be my first experience of getting high, about which I made a separate post already. Long story short: it was amazing!

EDIT. How did I forget?! Of course the other one was the moment when I got Ned to eat my dried fruit!

The most embarrasing situation you were involved in.

Surprisingly there were not that awkward situations - everytime you talked to someone, it did not feel like forced and you always found something to say. But the closest to embarrasment might have been when we had a bad streak in our bowling team and despite doing my best, I only managed to hith only one or two beams, although the following turn I managed to make a strike and get an aplause from both teams - everything was in good spirit so it was all good. But it was slightly upsetting because we were ready to be the "loser team" before starting, but actually ended up winning rounds, but then hitting a sudden wall with our game.

The photo you have with the most Steemians in it.

Must be this one.

The most random photography you took with your phone and you don´t even know why it is there.

Some accidental shot after the bowling night judging by the timing of it in my gallery.

Your new favorite Steemian (can be three, I know we met so many new people).

First one is @techslut, for obvious reasons.

As the second, I will nominate @blewitt - he is simply too funny not to enjoy his company.

@honeydue was already among my favorites, but another Romanian, the one and only soy boy, @guyfawkes4-20, is now amongst my favorites, too.

I will brake the rules, and go above the limit to nominate @abh12345 - he is a very calm personality, one that is always pleasant to hang around with.

And of course, the people who received my dried fruit are all amongst my favorites now!

Your overall experience about the whole event.

Simply put, it was AMAZING! I managed to have a good balance of sleeping enough but not suffering too much from FOMO just by going by feel whether I should sleep or join some late night activities. So whenever I was among people, I was at my best, and surprisingly not a grumpy ass, at least the majority of the time!

I got to learn to be more comfortable with people, or maybe it is just that Steemians are simply too dope! Either way, it was definitely good practice and exposure for social situations.

Sorry (all non-attendees) about this sudden burst of Steemfest stuff suddenly, but I managed to get my hands on a computer, so I am using the opportunity to do some writing.

I might still make one big photo dump to close the deal with Steemfest, but we will see - there is still so much that is not covered by the resent posts.

Take care, so that you will get to the next Steemfest!

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