Child developments - part one

Hello beautiful moms
As if we all know that the first years for the child is very important to his development, I'd like to share with you some facts hope you are going to benefit from .Child's brain development is related to the first three years of his life , it's the base of his learning skills as well as social and emotional abilities.Understanding the stages of your child gonna help in supporting him.#arab
• Everything related to your child senses ( smelling , hearing...) Helps to shape the brain of thinking, moving and feeling
• babies learn from the moment of birth . They will learn better with parents that gives them care and attention
• Encouraging your child to play and explore will help him to develop socially
•childrens are affected with the closest behaviors so they are going to behave the same
•childrens must enter school at time so to continue in developing
•Each child develops at his or her pace having different interests and style

the following chart gives you an idea how young children develop
Source :

  • By the age of 1 MONTH *

A baby should be able to:

•turn her or his head towards a hand that is stroking the child's cheek or mouth
•bring both hands towards her or his mouth
•Turn towards familiar voices and soun

  • Advice for parents and caregiver *

•make skin-to-skin contact and breastfeed within one hour of birth
•support the baby's head when you hold the baby upright
•massage and cuddle the baby often
•always handle the baby gently, even when you are tired or upset
•breastfeed frequently and on demand
•give consistent love and affection
I will post part two soon..
If you are interested share me your opinions upvote and comment
Bye 👶👶

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