Pay attention to the new pneumonia in Wuhan. Some babies at home, please guide them to do a good job

As the footsteps of the New Year gradually went away, the first case of new pneumonia in Wuhan on December 12 was confirmed to 7736 cases today, 12167 cases were suspected, 126 cases were cured, and 170 cases died. It can be seen that this new type of pneumonia came faster than SARS in 2003.
According to the 29th release of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Recent research suggests that this new coronavirus may come from bats.

In short, for whatever reason, at present, the main route of droplet transmission is close-range transmission. So our people should try to avoid the following self-protection. At the same time, special attention should be given to guiding children to strengthen self-protection.

1: It is important to wear a mask at home. Only qualified people can prevent disease. Only the right one will not be expensive!

In recent days, I don't know what it looks like elsewhere. Within Henan Province, it is clearly stipulated that no crowds can chat. All personnel must wear a mask when going out. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone try to wear a mask that meets the specifications. This is the simplest and most effective way to prevent the spread of new pneumonia, influenza and other viruses.

However, masks can prevent the spread of infectious diseases and virus droplets. When buying masks, you should carefully check whether they meet national regulations and whether they really have protective functions.

Everyone knows that China is a big country in the production of masks, and the state has also issued production enterprises with relevant protection qualifications. At present, there are many types of masks on the market, such as cotton masks, paper masks, activated carbon masks, sponge masks, medical surgical masks, and N95 masks. Among them, the first four items do not have the function of preventing infectious diseases, so the latter two items are reliable when they are selected domestically. Don't blindly follow the trend, just buy it quickly. In the end, you will be happy and accomplice of bad businessmen to hurt yourself.
The following are mainly about medical masks and N95 masks. N95 is the first. N95 masks meet the national compulsory standard GB 19083-2010, and the filtration efficiency is ≥95% (using non-oil particulate matter detection). It is required to pass artificial blood penetration test (to prevent body fluid splashing) and meet the microbial index. This determines that the N95 mask looks very trustworthy and has better protection, but it is less breathable. After prolonged wearing, it is easy to feel breathless and should not be worn for a long time. Especially children, the elderly and those with pulmonary insufficiency.

Therefore, it is recommended that when purchasing masks, try to buy masks that clearly indicate "Medical Surgical Masks" on the outer packaging. Medical surgical masks generally have three layers, which seem to be very thin, but there are three layers from the outside to the inside, including the water blocking layer, the filtering layer and the hygroscopic layer.

It is also important to wear a mask correctly. The correct way to wear it is to use metal strips to look outwards, which side of the mask is darker and which side is outward (the darker layer is more water blocking). It is mainly used to prevent saliva and other substances from splashing. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish correctly when wearing a mask. Reverse masks are not allowed. Generally, medical surgical masks are used for no more than 4 hours and can only be used once. Remember not to reuse it.

It is difficult for children under 3 years to wear a mask for a long time. Parents should be prepared for this, but their physical resistance is not very strong. Parents should educate their children with words and deeds. Do not force children to wear them. Instead, parents must do something to attract children's attention and let them use Learn in a similar way, as some studies have shown that children aged 1.5-3 imitate parental behavior subconsciously. Therefore, parents should take full advantage of this. If you must take your child with you when you go out, you must wear a mask in front of the child to attract the child's attention, let the child take time, and develop the habit of wearing a mask when going out.

How much do you know about social etiquette? Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing in public!

I don't know if you noticed that there is always someone sneezing or coughing in public places such as by bus, subway or train, park or fitness center. Some people turn around and try to avoid sneezing face to face. Others cover their nose and mouth. However, most people do not have the habit of sneezing, covering their noses and noses. This is because they have not developed a "sneeze etiquette" and cannot correctly understand that the main way of spreading colds and flu is through splashing and contacting. It is this unconscious cover that can cause various germs to cross-infect wantonly.

Therefore, I think whether in a crowded public place or at home, you should cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, and cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when there is no tissue. It is worth noting that the elbow is not the palm! At the same time, paper towels for sneezing should be wrapped as much as possible before putting them in a covered trash bin. Also, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or hand soap as soon as possible after sneezing or coughing.

Similarly, if there is a baby at home, parents' words and deeds can not only help children develop social etiquette in public, but also help children develop social etiquette and wash their hands in public. Develop a good habit of health from an early age.

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