Minnie Mouse Ameerah on her 8th Month

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There is no greater joy for a parent than to watch their kid growing up and spending quality time with them. Though I might not have much time to spend with little Rhian due to always being at work, what time I do have...I make sure to spend it with her wisely. We try to crawl around the house, eat snacks or even watch children's TV shows together.

But more than me, I believe my wife is the one who has the most fun spending quality time with her. She loves to dress her up from time to time and this time for her 8th month she decided to turn her into little Minnie Mouse.

Rhian Ameerah brought a lot of changes in our lives since the day she was born and honestly, watching her grow up since that day has been a wonderful experience. There have been moments where I have been scared to death while moments where I couldn't even contain my happiness. She is able to say mama and papa now and if only you guys could hear her chasing after her mother on all fours trying to get her attention, I am sure you would get a bit of a kick out of it.

I am thinking of getting her a walker soon so she can get some practice walking around the house before we try to let her do it on her own. I am sure there will be some exciting things she will do to surprise us. She will be 9 months old soon and I am sure she will need the walker to ease her into trying to walk around the house without the fear of her falling down.

Thank you for reading and much love to you all from both myself and Rhian Ameerah. Enjoy her new pictures in a Minnie Mouse dress.

Kyrios <3

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