Baby Feeding And Solid Foods

No two babies are the same and nor do they have exactly the same needs. Baby feeding mother milk They are all individuals with unique needs. New parents are often worried about whether they are feeding their baby or introducing soft, solid foods correctly. In the first few weeks, your baby sleeps most the time. Most people say that you have to feed your infant when he is hungry but when you establish a schedule you are better capable to read their signals and know when they are really hungry. In the first six months of your baby, breast milk or formula will do nicely but eventually, your baby needs solid food.

Introducing Solid Foods

A four-month-old baby can start solid foods in combination with breastfeeding or formula milk, but experts have revised it to 6 months of age. Foods other than milk are unnecessary and can be damaging to your baby and there is absolutely no hurry to start solid foods. Healthy foods to start are porridge made with rice, mashed carrots or potatoes, pureed apple or mashed banana. Start with simple, easily digestible vegetables, fruits and cereals. Start it slowly one at a time and never introduce new tastes and textures too early.

Tips And Precautions In Baby Feeding

Never give hard foods that can cause aspiration. Some examples include raw vegetables, peanuts, popcorn, candies, meat, and grapes. If you want to introduce a hotdog in the feeding you should make sure that it is sliced into quarters. Honey and corn syrup are not suggested for babies younger than one year. You also have to test the food while introducing it to your baby to check for any allergic reactions. Introduce one new food at a time. Fruit juices are also healthy but you should not give it to your baby quite much because it will decrease his appetite and he will refuse to eat. In addition, you have to come up with fun games during feeding so that he will be excited with the next feeding time.

How To Burp The Baby

Most babies unintentionally suck in air while feeding and can also swallow air when they cry. The air can cause discomfort to your baby and may cause reflux or vomiting after feeding. To solve this problem, you should burp the baby every four or five minutes during feeding. Do it by holding your baby securely against your shoulder with your hands firmly supporting his head and back then gently rub his back. You can also do it by positioning him on his stomach on your hand supporting his back. In addition, there are babies that have to be burped during their feeding but, other babies can complete a feeding even without being burped.

Don't stress yourself too much, your baby would reach a stage when he will like to eat everything himself, and during the process, he spills a lot. Baby feeding mother milk Each stage of your baby's feeding is special with its own unforgettable memories, so slow down and takes time to have fun with your baby.

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