THE AWESOME S.M.I.L.E PROJECT | A Saturday Event Filled With Love

Hello Steemians!

I will be sharing my experience yesterday, Saturday the 2nd of June 2018. I had a great time and full of energy when I participated and volunteered the said event. Being a volunteer in some activities is such a great feeling. Volunteers are not paid, yes that’s true! Not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. Not even thinking of having something in return, to only help others.


The Awesome S.M.I.L.E Project

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” — Mother Teresa

The Awesome Smile Project was initiated by @indayclara to help children living on streets here in the city of Cebu, Philippines. This project was in coordination with @jassennessaj and with @steemph.cebu. I am always interested having this kind of project, especially helping kids or some people, I am fond of children and want to help them. So I volunteered to be part of the mission, giving, helping and putting love for children.

WHAT DOES “S.M.I.L.E” Stand For?


S - TEEM’s






This was the project’s motto according to @indayclara that we (Steemians) achieved it from yesterday’s event, to let the children smile, to inspire, to give and let them know that despite their situations that they have been through, they are still loved by others.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

On that day, the weather did not get along with us, it was raining early in the morning but it didn’t stop me from going there. The place of the event was located at Luis Amigo Ladies Dormitory near San Carlos University. Miss Inday Clara sent us the map (location) so we wouldn’t get lost. Some Steemians were on the way also and at 8:45am I guess I was there in the place. As I got in, @indayclara @thian2817 @junebride @christianyocte @panoramicview were there, we were waiting for some Steemians while they were starting to give some of the name tags of the volunteers.


Miss Inday Clara mentioned on her post about this project that the Sisters have opened the parking area of the dormitory as a place for children, for them to have a shelter and free meals, I was amazed by them to offer these things to children on streets when this place is a dormitory, indeed they have good hearts. As we were in the parking area, we were all smiles because the Sisters, children and 2 babies with moms were already there.

Time: 9:00am

The event started at 9:00am and we were starting distributing some name tags of the volunteers and wrote the names of the children so they would have their own name tags and we could easily recognize them.




Sir @christianyocte and Sir @thian2817 started writing names of the children for their name tags and Steemians who volunteered were already there at the venue.

Sir @morken started a talk in front the children and @indayclara welcomed them on this said program. Seeing the children’s smiles made me happy because in some ways we could help them a little, they were very excited.



Time: 9:20am +

The art facilitators started the program, @christianyocte @smaeunabs and I (yours truly) who volunteered to be in the art activity gave to children some paper art works, coloring activity for the children, we asked them to group themselves and find some tables and chairs to do the activity. All Steemians assisted the first activity. We knew that the children would enjoy it.



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The children were relly busy doing the activities while we were busy assisting them too. Sir @morken assisted the children in another table, @smaeunabs and @juichi were assisting the kids with moms, @indayclara was checking from time to time if kids were doing the activity and yours truly, @iamqueenlevita was enjoying helping them.

This was the activity that we handed the children. They had this under the sea coloring activity where they were given a time to finish coloring it. After this activity, playing basketball followed facilitated by Sir @jassennessaj and @josephace135. The boys (kids) were even excited because they really wanted to play basketball. Playing for children is an escape for them, to feel that they don't have this kind of life, living on the streets. It's really sad seeing them outside, I myself gets my heart broken seeing kids approaching me and begging, asking for money to buy some food. I can't even imagine their lives out there. Just like what @gratefulayn told me when we talked, any kind of abuse they can have outside (I just hope they will be safe always.). They should be strong, mentally, physically and emotionally. That's why we are showing them that the world is not that really cruel and others care about them.

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Their coloring activity.

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Basketball Game for the kids.

While the facilitators, kids (boys), Steemians and some children were busy playing the basketball game and some were happily cheering them, we were not yet finished with the art work, the said activity that we wee having since kids were fond of making art, Sir @christianyocte and Sir @ybanezkim26 did really help the kids who wanted to continue making some art, decorating and cutting some shapes. I had fun helping them too, seems like we were in a classroom teaching kids how to make something on their activity papers.

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Amazing how these children can make this art, they have great and artistic minds that they can share and let us see. They should be appreciated, they were happy doing this, cutting some colored papers, pasting ome shapes on the sheets asking us to make some hearts and stars and flower arts for them to put on the papers.

Other games, the facilitators were @thian2817 and @liamnov. The children couldn't wait and were excited because they could get some prizes, toys and some stuff. Steemians helped the games by assisting the kids in playing those interesting games, they could build their better relationship/friendship to their friends and good communication too. First they did paper dance, then followed the giling giling dance and the cup relay. I could see that not only the kids were enjoying but all of us, Steemians and the Sisters in the dormitory were enjoying.

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One of the games that they played, "the cup relay".

Time: 11:30am +

Before giving lunch to the kids, we announced the winners for the art activity that we had early in the morning. After that we asked them to find a seat and tables for them to start their lunch.

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The food committee, facilitators were Sir @ybanezkim26 and ryancalaunan, they did make sure that when they get to their respective places or get home after this event, children could eat and be full. There were enough rice to eat, viands like pork and pansit. Actually Steemians also bought some food so we could eat our lunch, thanks to Ate @liamnov, Sir @ybanezkim26 for the puto flan which I loved it, and to Steemians who bought some food, the chicken, spaghetti and pansit, they were good so thank you for the food guys!

It was almost time for us to say good bye for the kids but before leaving, the gift giving committee wee ready to share and give something for the children, Sir @morken, @indayclara and @steembytes, Sir @jassennessaj, Sir @ybanezkim, @thian2817 were very happy helping the facilitators giving goodies to kids like some clothes, colorful slippers and food.

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In this event, the children had fun and we know that what happened yesterday will be left as one of the great memories for them that there were people who have cared despite their situations. Though it was just small and not everyday but we touched the heart of the kids, we let them smile and taught them a little. I have weakness to children, they always give smiles to people like us. We can buy expensive things but giving some to kids are happiness to them even just a little, they will always appreciate it. It is good to give than always being a getter. That is what I learned from the world and always be kind to people you meet because you don't know what they have been through.

Mission accomplished!


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Nina, Lovely and Ayra

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Popoy with Sir @ybanezkim26, the sweet siblings, me and KC

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Thank you @carlitojoshua for this photo.

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We did it actually, the event was finished but we left good memories to the children. I was so happy that I was a part of this project initiated by @indayclara and also I would like to thank Sir @jassennessaj for the steemit shirt that he gave me. We the volunteers, Steemians were glad that we became part of this project, it was indeed fulfilling, working together and we put our hearts to this.

Volunteers: @smaeunabs @kayegrasya @junebride @morken @thian2817 @liamnov @gratefulayn @chuuuckie @josephace135 @jason04 @christianyocte @JassennessaJ @calvinweigel14 @steembytes @ryancalaunan @juichi @panoramicview @ybanezkim26 @carlitojoshua and carlito’s friends: meia, rose and jasmine. These were the volunteers who helped including me and we were so happy that we had this event. I will never forget that I volunteered Miss Inday Clara's poject. I hope there will be another project that we can help others. Thank you to the sponsors who helped and donated. THANK YOU!

Thank you for reading my post. :)


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