Are You Aware That Your Cells Are Listening To Your Thoughts & The Words You Speak? This is HUGE If You Get It!

Your Cells Are Listening To Your Thoughts & The Words You Speak?

Are You Truly AWARE Of This??


A most powerful exercise before beginning your day:

My personal experience in working with clients is that most of them will not do this consistently, unless I stay on them (which I do) and get them to re-commit to it over and over. And the men have been taught to be even more resistant to this than the women who are more in touch with their feminine side. Why do we resist speaking to ourselves in the most Loving way? Society has brainwashed us in to believing that this is either too “self centered”, or if you’re a man that this is NOT “manly”. It’s such a lie and a recipe for more denying of our own brilliance and magnificence. Which child will grow up to be more balanced and healthy? The one who is constantly given love and permission to be who they really are without limitations, or the one who represses his/her feelings and judges him/herself for everything that “society” or others tells them they shouldn’t do?

Quantum physics has proven that our cells are listening and responding to every word, thought, and emotion. Why are some able to heal themselves from diseases while others don’t? Your self talk is more important than ANY other talking you will ever do because it’s your foundational beliefs that everything else is built on.


This daily morning exercise will create big positive shifts for you IF you CHOOSE to commit to doing it for yourself.

Repeat mentally for 1 minute each with FEELING:

  1. I love myself.

  2. I believe in myself.

  3. I trust myself.

  4. I am happy

  5. Life is on my side

  6. Today I AM Open to learn something new about myself.

  7. Moving forward, I commit to learning from everything that shows up, instead of REACTING to things that go against my belief system. This is freedom!


Are you “resistant” to any of the above statements? If so, that’s a clear indicator of areas that need more love and contemplation. Anytime there is resistance, we are blocking the flow of goodness and abundance into our lives.

Try to make choices that are in alignment with your life goals. Much of what we do is not because of choice, but because of habit or negative thinking. You are a lot stronger than you think, if you choose to think that. You are a lot more loveable than you may realize, if you choose to feel that. Be your own best friend not your own worst enemy. Catch ALL judgements of yourself and others. Before you act, ask yourself: 'How will this choice treat me? Is that what I really want? Or am I acting from habit and fear? What better choice can I make that will create more happiness for myself and others? Imagine what the happy version of yourself would do, and be that. There's no one to stop you but yourself. Be the greatest you there ever was. Just reaffirm your commitment to practicing this moment by moment with your Awareness.

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Here’s some great questions to print out and put on your wall or refrigerator to review daily:

• R U taking life too seriously today?

• R U allowing your inner child to be in wonder, curiosity, joy, amazement and laughter RIGHT NOW? If not, why not?? That is the only reason that you are here is to experience this miracle of "Oneness" and Love in ALL of its different forms and experiences!!

• Don't forget that Gratitude for all of the amazing things that are in your current reality right now will attract MORE of what you choose to be Grateful for!

• R U smiling?? If not. Think of something that makes you smile right now Notice how that shifts your emotional body and feelings right away?

It's ok to forget. It's part of the experience. But, it's so much more fun and enjoyable to REMEMBER who we truly are and to live that Truth without fear, judgement, worry or doubt!!

YOU are Magnificent!! YOU are the stars, the sky, the Earth and everything in between and beyond! Your body alone is so complex, miraculous, and mind boggling in what it is doing in EVERY second of each moment and much of what is going on can't even be explained! YOU have created every part of this Dream that you are experiencing, in conjunction with the rest of the "Oneness" that you are eternally linked to. It doesn't get any more Magnificent than that.

NOW, isn't that a great reason to CELEBRATE? !

So, It's ok to start CELEBRATING right NOW.

Everything WILL be taken care of. Worry and Fear are LIES based on false information that we were programmed with!

When you continue to CHOOSE to find a reason to be Happy and then you CONTINUE to do that over and over and over, your life will begin to change in the most magical and magnificent ways.

You will wonder why you didn't do this sooner.

It's ok if you forget once in awhile. Forgetting is part of the process, so we can REMEMBER again.

Remember to keep a light sense of humor on this journey. Most have forgotten this and it's time to bring in more Lightness of Being.

IN joy!, The YOUniverse is yours! YOU are it!


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A special heartfelt shoutout to the following members in our community for their continued support, upvotes, and contributions to positive content: @kenistyles, @artemislives, @lewisfjclarke, @heartjourney, @iamjamie, @iliasdiamantis, @eftnow, @kalemandra, @linksmolecules, @hungryhustle, @angelacs, @aldentan, @feelization, @paradigmprospect, @steemitboard, @karinxxl, @omitaylor, @lifeselfmastery, @hungryhustle.

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