Your New Life Awaits… On the Other Side of ‘Letting Go’… Zipline Right Into Your New ‘NOW’…


The energies around right now are really challenging those of us who are facing making big changes in our lives. The theme of Letting Go to make way for the New is coming up often in conversations & interactions I’ve been having with people... Take Heart, you're not alone...

I'm inspired to draw the analogy of the feeling right now as 'Ziplining' into the new future, with some trepidation, both positive & otherwise, & with hopeful expectation...

You may also feel like you’ve been ziplining fast into a very new change situation in recent months, most likely with a mixture of feelings. Sometimes you may feel like you’ve stopped mid-air, cord snagged, partly as you may be reliant on other factors around you responding, before you can unsnag & head in for your landing. That’s contraction, critical convergence, the pregnant pause, the mid-way point. Just keep going… Just keep your heart, mind, & energy vibrational frequencies focused on your point of light before you...

We were all catapulted or ‘ziplined’ into the Matrix conditioning palaver against our knowing from early on. Ages 0-7 is a huge & impressionable time for the insidious emotional groundwork that was laid… Then it’s onto being herded into the mentality of good girl/boy, go to uni for 4 years, get a good job, etc. etc… And, then if we’re lucky enough & wake up in time, we may spend the rest of our lives finding the way to ‘zipline’ ourselves out of this sheepledom to do our own thing, our own way.

Just keep ‘ziplining’ your way into Your New Life, Your New Chapter, Your New NOW, Your New Freedom… Just keep letting go of that Matrix & all it represents, & speak Your Truth, Be YOU, express Your Unique Self & share Your Gifts…


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