Your Greatest Fear May Reveal Your ‘Unique Soul’ Gifts…

Your Greatest ‘FEAR’ is Your Biggest Liberation & Key to Unlocking & Revealing Your Unique ‘Genius’ & ‘PowerHouse Gift’…

Fear is an area we avoid & stay away from, because it’s unpleasant & painful…

But Fear is a Choice…

If we have the Courage to go in & Unpack the layers, we find a ‘Treasure Trove’ of possibilities… Ones that hold much information to help guide Us to more fully & precisely ‘Align’ with Our LIFE PURPOSE…

Face Your Fears with Courage & Bravely walk right into them…

Go Deep & ‘Feel’ into Your Fears… They will Reveal a lot & Tell You All…

Your Fear gives You Clues… a Trail to Follow, Unravel & Unpack… At the end of which may lay the uncovering of Your Greatest Asset – Your Unique ‘Genius’ & ‘PowerHouse Gift’…

Fear can be Your greatest Friend & Ally… So, it makes sense to ‘Befriend’ Fear & bring it on board as Your Ally & Confidante in the Unpacking process …

Work together in the ‘diving deep’… Take the time to just ‘BE’ & go there… >>>

By ‘Feeling’ into Your Fear, You can Unpack it… & it Reveals itself, its origins, with all its layers… So You can better understand it, diffuse it, heal it, leverage on it, & make it work for You…

By delving in & getting more familiar, Your Fears may just Reveal some hidden, not yet fully uncovered ‘GENIUS’ & ‘GIFTS’ about to fully emerge, or in the process of emerging… That You are meant to share in helping others… And, that help you ‘Align’ more fully with Your Highest LIFE PURPOSE…

Understanding & Mastering Your Fears is a process of ‘Inner’ to ‘Outer’ Alchemy & Acquiring True Life Self Mastery…

Are You ready to ‘Dive Deep’ into Your Fears, & make them work for You?…Steemit-718x800.jpg

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