
As I was going to sleep, I heard a stern woman’s voice say “how could you have killed her?” I realized, she was speaking to me about my inner child me. How could I have killed my child like essence.

I said “I don’t know, I guess I was scared. I was scared to be seen”

“Bring her back” the voice said

So I saw myself, little, and smiling, and dancing around like I used to. I went up to little me and gave myself a hug and said “I will help you do all things you always wanted to do and become all that you wanted to be and you don’t need to hide anymore. You can be seen and you don’t have to listen to people telling you not to shine.” And then I looked at her and asked if she would help me get back to that place, and little me said yes. And then we merged. Then I asked my higher larger wiser self if she would help me, and merge with me, and before I could finish she enveloped me in light and love and said of course.

And then there was three, but in one.

And then the voice that was stern, became soft and warm, and as she kissed me on the first eye she said...

“Now you are whole.”

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