self-healing via unblocking meridians

belly button healing and from physical perspective: umbilical cord's physical structures remain w/i bodies after its prenatal function ends, which received oxygen, nutrients, & information & sent out carbon dioxide & waste products. One umbilical vein & two umbilical arteries flow through umbilical cord. After being born, cord constricts & degenerates into ligaments from navel to liver & bladder & some remain embedded in abdominal wall behind navel. Inner portions remain part of circulatory system, connecting to internal illiac artery that travels down into legs & supplying blood to upper part of bladder & ureter. Navel is center of body & positively affects digestive, circulatory, respiratory & immune organs.

  1. improving circulation stimulates small intestine & digestive function; central abdomen contains: small intestine (intestinal villi absorbs nutrients--about 3200 square feet), large intestine, liver, gall bladder & stomach; 30-40% of entire body's blood volume flows through abdominal organs; thickest blood vessels found in abdominal aorta & inferior vena cava--located behind belly button; pressing & stimulating belly button effectively increases blood circulation; 45 sec for blood to circulate once through body.
  2. neurons, managing gut from esophagus to anus--enteric nervous system (ENS--2nd brain), operates independently from brain; brain cannot function without ENS; ENS (contains 300-500 million cells) matures & fully functional after being born--earlier than brain (100 billion cells), while spinal cord contains 1/5 of ENS's total cells; ENS connected directly to brain via vagus nerve w/2k neural fibers; intestinal issues affects mental health--vice versa; 50% dopamine (neurotransmitter for happiness) & 90% serotonin (neurotransmitter for well-being)--3% created in brain, created in ENS; depression & anxiety develop w/low serotonin levels; improving intestinal health increases serotonin secretion; intestines handle "emotional" digestion; anxiety, anger, fear contract intestines, reducing its function; some suffering ADHD, autism, Alzheimer's disease, etc also suffer from gut issues; gentle & rhythmic pressing of belly button (trigger point) activate, release & relax ENS; focused exhalation increases parasympathetic nervous system.
  3. abdominal lymph nodes (immune system organs) concentrate around belly button manage immune reactions, inspecting lymphatic fluid to collect waste material & creating antibodies; lymphatic vessels spread throughout body; microbes protect against harmful yeast & bacteria; 300-1k microbial species (gut microbiota) live in intestines, breaking down food, creating vitamins & hormones & stopping pathogens; beneficial bacteria promote digestion, create nutrients & suppress harmful bacteria growth; to protect intestinal health, increase number of beneficial bacteria; ENS accounts for 70-80% of whole body's immunity.
    energy perspective (best energy point for assisting circulation): conception & governor meridians are located behind belly button; 12 meridians also activated in chain reaction when conception (6 yin meridians) & governor (6 yang) meridians are activated.

sally's success story:

restoring and maintaining health with paida and lajin; demo for beginners:

for bendy bodies:

by h.c. xiao

unblocking body's 12 primary channels, restores health and, with continued practice, maintains good health. function of 12 primary channels:
foot reflexology chart
hand reflexology chart
5:05 (custom thumbnail: ) each tooth also corresponds to a collection of vital organs. if one has a silver amalgam, identify which organ it associates with. if possible, replace silver amalgam with ceramic filling. it appears the apparatus for harp, which is a reversal of a radio telescope and an antenna send out signals instead of receiving, is being activated here in coaCH, as this is the third day i've had a nosebleed following a sensation in my large silver amalgam filling.
9:05 zugerburg visit:
10:50 benefits to unblocking meridians
12:00 sinus cavity is where entities hide:

according to his march 2017 update:

we accept all liability offers under full immunity without recourse. effective 10 march 1971.

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