Avengers End Game: 4 Fun Facts


The Avengers: End Game, which was unveiled on the 24th, is promoting from the beginning with a new record that the shortest period of audience in Korea exceeds one million people.

Movie distributor Walt Disney Korea said it has exceeded one million domestic audiences at 11:30 am, which is four and a half hours after its release.

Marvel's latest movie, The Avengers: End Game, is the last film in the 22-episode series so far. The Avengers series is the most profitable series in the film industry.

There was little known about the contents of the three hour movie until just before the release.

Here are some interesting facts about the last piece of the Avengers series for readers who will soon be watching movies. There is no spoiler at all.

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  1. The cast did not see the movie until it was released.


Anthony Rousseau and Joe Russo's Avengers series finale includes Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Evans (Captain America), Bry Larsen (Captain Marvel) It appears.

The story of the end game starts last year after a lot of characters have been blown away by the evil Tanos in the Avengers: Infinite War.

You might think that cast members did not see the finished version of the early version, but it seems not.

Paul Rudd of the Anthem station told reporters at the film-related event: "I'm excited to finally be able to watch the movie."

He marveled at the work of Marvel, and he and his Avengers filmed around the world. It was a strange experience to talk about a movie without actually seeing it.

"It's great that I can finally see the movie." He added.

After the screening, the cast members gathered on the stage and grabbed each other.

Chris Evans said in a movie, "I have cried one or six times." But Hemsworth said he was crying more.

"I've been crying six times, Chris." He said.

  1. With impressive endings, fans will feel 'sadness' and 'hope' at the same time


The end game is a big hit for the series of the last 11 years. The fans were homeless as avengers and waited for their first screening.

Mark Ruffalo, who played the Hulk in the movie, suggested that many loved characters could be in danger.

"The audience is going to get really strong emotions." Roberto said just before his first show.

"I have not watched a movie yet, but I think it will make people sad and hopeful."

He added: "It is the greatest blessing in the world and in my life, and the fans have shown great encouragement, a once-in-a-lifetime experience and maybe a hundred years experience."


The Benedict Comber batch, which played Dr. Strange, was one of the characters sacrificed to Tanos. The ComberBatch claims that he does not appear in the end game. But fans guess they are not.

"Like fans, I do not know how stories will flow, and I'm just very happy." Said the Comber batch.

"I am also wondering what role I play in the Infinite War and End game, and I wonder where I come from ... because I do not see it in this movie."

  1. Stanley makes his last cameo appearance


Stan Lee, who died last November at the age of 95, also appeared as a cameo.

The cast members recalled memories of Stanley, the author of the Spiderman comics and former Marvel president.

"I remember he was curious as a child." Hemsworth said. "And the affection for the story and how much energy it had diffused."

  1. Can set a new box office record


Infiniti War has become the first movie to earn more than $ 2 billion worldwide, and end games will have similar success.

The last 21 films released by Marvel Studios have earned more than $ 18.6 billion, making them the most money-making series in movie history.

The end game favors the Avengers story, but some characters will appear in the next movie. Spider-Man, for example, returns to Spider-Man: Farfrom Home, which opens in July.

"There will be a new beginning, and there will be a new story." Said Kevin Page, president of Marble Studios.

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