Who Wants an HSBI Unit?

Look, I have nothing against autovoting in general. But there are times when it’s just a bit discouraging to see so much of it. For some reason beyond my ken, a bunch of people have added my account to their autovoting lists or follow the trails of others who do so. My #quarantinediaries post from yesterday got 167 upvotes in the first 10 minutes. Most of them were dust votes (the pending payout of $1.27 shown after 10 minutes reflective of this) so given the curation reward curve and dust limitations many of the autovoters have little if any chance of earning curation rewards.

Sure, maybe a few of those 167 votes came from people who actually opened my post for the chance to read my elegant prose and pithy commentary. Stranger things have happened.

So this post is an experiment. I will sponsor a Hive Stake Basic Income unit (via @steembasicincome) for anyone (other than bots) who posts a comment below prior to this post’s payout.

Keep in mind that this will work best for those who already have some HSBI units. Given dust limitations, one HSBI unit all by itself isn’t all that useful. But I guess it’s a start.

Some Caveats

I reserve the right to be arbitrary and capricious. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

If you and your 82 alt accounts all post comments, don’t expect to get 83 HSBI units.

As of posting this, I have about 9 liquid Hive in my account, and that might go up or down by the time of this post’s payout, plus a bit of HBD that could be converted into Hive. If 500 people post comments, well, we’ll have a problem. I guess I’d do something like use an online random number generator to choose who gets the (9?) units. But given how quiet it’s seemed around here lately, this might well not be a problem.

So, who wants an HSBI Unit?


🍺 Please use one of my Cryptobrewmaster referral links: https://tinyurl.com/cryptobrewmaster
🍺 or
🍺 https://www.cryptobrewmaster.io/game/invite?ref=632f2f10eb0144e8b76cc7896aa619fe&code=AlphaBonus

Badge thanks to @arcange

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