Anger, a vile poison that needs to find an outlet for expression!

What would you do?

Today, with the help of one of my colleagues, I patched the hole that this screw made. I suspect it got there as a spiteful move from my ex brother-in-law. I believe it was his reaction as a way to get back at me for losing my temper at him after I discovered he has stolen and broken some of my things that were in storage in the basement. In spiteful revenge and in a fit of tiredness, I took it out on his punching bag...

So, seeing as I do not wish to lose 4 eyes in all of this mess, I have done my best to calm myself and to discourage my mind from thinking of acting on more vindictive thoughts. I realize that resentment is poison, and it is the most toxic substance to come in contact with. I know that the only person I am hurting by acting out in anger is myself.

It was hard for me to share this with you yesterday, as it was fresh, but today, with my tire back on my truck and freshly repaired, I feel good. In fact, I am distracted by another minor necessary repair that is related to the terrible conditions of the roads of Québec!

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