The World Is Moving Towards Automation And Bitcoin Was Apart Of The Plan?

If you're on the internet you've probably seen many videos about machines and AI taking jobs very soon.


I suspect that Bitcoin was a Government plan all along. If you look at Amazon they've been working on making automated checkouts a reality and their employees have been their guinea pigs for a while now. What I suspect they'll do when the technology is mature: they'll have businesses pay for the Amazon checkout technology and this will be the first step towards an automated society. Digital assets work perfectly for payment.

Here's Amazon Go:

I think this will be the first step in mass automation, the stores that use automation technology will be cheaper because they wont have to pay employees, there wont be long lines, you'll just walk in the store, a camera will either identify you at the door or show your ID, pick up what you want and leave.

Jeff Bezos runs Amazon and if you're interested in knowing what will happen in the future watch this video:

They'll probably have a second phase of automation where people wont even have to go to the store, they'll have a drone deliver your groceries by land or air.

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