Introducing Hive AutoClaim Services

A few days ago, I published a small app to collect your Hive-Engine tokens automatically.

You can read the announcement post here.

Although the post was positively received, the few comments it generated were kind of this:

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to make fun of these comments. On the contrary, they are relevant because they show that the users of a blockchain are not necessarily tech-savvy people.

Many are not skilled enough to run a small app written in Javascript on a computer, or are simply "mobile-only" users and can't deploy such app.

Back to work

So I told myself that I needed to find a more suitable solution for these people.

After thinking about it, I got back to work and decided to provide an easy to use solution, which does not require any technical skills and even less a dedicated infrastructure.

The result is Hive AutoClaim, a cloud service that will automatically do all the work for you and claim any available Hive and Hive-Engine token, 24 hours a day!

Every hour, it will claim your available Hive rewards (HIVE, HP or HBD), if any.

It will also perform the same operation for any available Hive-Engine token(s) once per day (Hive-Engine does not allow you to do it more often, whether manually or automatically).

How to use it?

I made it as easy as possible:

  1. Authorize @hive.autoclaim to claim your token on your behalf.
  2. Send 1 HIVE to @hive.autoclaim to activate your service.

And you're done!

A complete and detailed user guide available is here!

This guide will provide you with all the details about the services and a step by step procedure to do your authorization and activation.


If you have any question, support for this service is provided on server on Discord. Use the dedicated AutoClaim channel.

Thanks for reading!

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