INTJ or Autistic Spectrum?

For the past few years I have been perplexed as to whether I am on the Autistic Spectrum or just simply an INTJ personality type.  While it is clear that I am an INTJ what is harder to determine is if I am both on the Spectrum and an INTJ.

I have come to a point where I am done trying to get a diagnosis for Autistic Spectrum as the Medical Industry is not interested in Adult Autistic Spectrum most notably because there is no money in it for them.  Child Autism on the other hand is where the money is, but back to the point. It could be possible for me to push the issue with Psychologists but it I feel that the time, money, and effort just isn't worth it in my particular case. I am who I am and I do not plan on taking any form of medications for whatever "mental" diagnosis might be determined.

Back to the reason for the confusion with the INTJ personality type and being on the Autistic Spectrum.  Both have similar characteristics or traits. Here are some of those off the top of my head which anyone can verify with a web search:  Tend to isolate oneself; loss of energy from being around people; difficulty understanding one's emotions; difficulty picking up on social cues; emotional burnout; obsessive thinking; disinterest in talking socially about topics you are not interested in; Focused conscious thinking; trouble dealing with too many topics or scenarios; Uncomfortable with changes; Need for daily rituals.

After a while I began to understand that "Autistic Spectrum" is just another label for something that the Medical Industry still cannot quite peg down.  It is the same with the MBTI personality types and "INTJ".  They are helpful in understanding some basics about us, but ultimately fall short of accurate explanations.  Those of us who most likely are what I would refer to as "slightly" more Autistic but not quite "Autistic" enough will just have to keep doing what we have been to make it through life.

I learned a great deal the past few years in my pursuit regarding "Autistic Spectrum", but most importantly I came to understand myself and other much better.  I understand the importance of the Autistic in society, and I know that I can relate with them in their struggles as well.

Peace continue to be with Everyone. :-)  Thank you. Scott

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