a some kind of wonderful

Quarrals arise daily for this couple who resides over at the Fiesta Grande apartment complex in the city of Pico De Gallo. Tom and Nancy,what a pair.
Since the day that the couple moved in, the entire neighborhood would here them yelling and screaming at each other over petty little things. Very abusive towards one another they still stayed together . Must of been some kind of strange love hate relationship that only they could endure.
During the previous weeks at work Tom was having problems keeping his orders and accounts balanced , the numbers just didn't match up. He knew that this was going to lead to some sort of reprimendation or suspension or something.He could taste it in his mouth ,that sour taste that makes your stomach turn.
He has been coming home late all week working hard on all of his accounts trying to make sure that they won't notice the difference in his department.Tom would repeadily say to himself over and over "they won't notice nah I'm cool they won't catch it,they won't even know ,I'm in the clear".
Well back over at the ranch Nancy was barely waking up at 2:00 o'clock mid afternoon. Decides to do some cleaning around the house Nancy gets up stretches and yawns. She heads down the hall to the closet where she keeps her cleaning supplies. Looking for the vacuum she comes across a phone number on the floor written on a piece of napkin with no name on it . She starts overthinking things. She starts to get sad no she gets mad.Breathing heavily through her nose as she grinds her teeth thinking of the wort scenarios possible. The napkin that the number was written on was from a nearby tavern called the Loose Horse.It's the place where the cops are called over atleast twice a day to handle some type of dispute or what not.A bad reputation this tavern has for soliciting drugs,prostitution the whole nine yards you name it you can find it there.
Nancy came from a good home, She had two hard working parents who had a strong marriage and showed each other with respect. She wasn't use to arguments because there was love and affection in her home as she grew up.
Nancy was a college graduate who fell for the wrong guy for the wrong reasons. "It's that slut Sharon , yep it's Sharon it has to be her Sharon!" She keeps rambling on out loud "Dam'n it why ,why,why why ,why this gosh I don't deserve this crap why? Even though she has already lost her state of mind she plugs in the vacuum and begins vacuuming the apartment.
Mean while Tom's boss sent over a message to Tom stating to come see him asap!" This isn't good "Tom says to himself as he shuffles through his packaging slips. " Man o man what in the hell am I going to do why is the boss calling for me ? "Hope it's not about my accounts and why i haven't been on top of them. "I know I'm not the only one who's accounts aren't up to date" He tries to keep his composure through out the whole day . But doesn't manage to do so , he begins to perspire profusely. Tom begins having a dry throat as his lips start to do the same. He doesn't look to good from this point it's as if he's about to have a stroke or heart attack. Things start to go south for Tom, his department manager just chewed him out over the phone about his performance. Sipping slowly on a cup of tap water that he had brought from home he gets up and heads for the door. Right before he opens the door he remembers about the phone number. The phone number that he had written on that napkin from the tavern. As he flings open the door and with a different state of mind like he doesn't have a care in the world .He begins to strut down the hall towards the elevator. There by the elevator at the water bottle he bumps into his ex-fling ClaraMae. Tom and ClaraMae would have sex out back in the parking lot .They would use his car during lunch hour .They did it for a couple years till ClaraMae got married.
"Hey you" "hey " Tom and ClaraMae exchanged words. With the biggest smile ever ClaraMae chews on a piece of sugarless gum and there then the elevator bell rings and the door began to open she blows him a kiss and a wink of her eye says "bye",as she walks away.
Tom's heart began to pound and he starts to perspire again. "M an what in thee Hell just happen right now right here"? "I just got rid of all the water works"!Water works referring to his perspireation .."Seriously" Tom steps into the elevator totally forgetting about his meeting with the boss he pushes the button to the top floor.
With that body and those lips being so juicy red,ClaraMae was the only thing on his mind.You just gotta see her I'm telling you she's one fine mammacita with a rack like that and a butt like," What??"I'd say she was way to fine to had been with Tom,Tom was one lucky son of a bitch to have bang ClaraMae.Don't get me wrong Toms a good looking son of a bitch but ClaraMae is so fine it blows my mind. Believe me you you just gotta see her to believe her or me.!Believe"
"Ding"the elevator door slides open top floor "Oh crap the Boss" Tom steps out of the elevator he gets reminded about the phone number the one that was written on that piece of napkin from the Loose Horse tavern. Yes the one over by the apartment complex down in the city of Pico De Gallo."hi" greets Tom with a pretty smile "how can I help you? Please sign in, today date is the ...awww"do you have an appointment your not looking to good can I offer you some water?" Tom had a brain fart "Ummm" he tries to gather his senses,the Boss left a messege for me down stairs about seeing him about something ,I don't have a clue or the faintest idea what about what, you wouldn't know why ,would you? right away!"hmm? "Are you Tom?" umm where's that paper at ? What did I do with it? Where did I put it? As the receptionist shuffles through her desk drawer looking for the note that had the information concerning Tom and the instructions on what to say and do when he had made it up to the top floor to meet up with the boss. "Um yeah yes my name is Tom" Tom replies with a grin. "yes the boss Mr.O'gorton wants to see you ,hold on wait a minute why don't you have a seat but please help yourself to some of our snacks and beverages provided to you at no cost from us to you enjoy ,please do so help your self ,it's right over there and I'll check to see if he'll see you right now,please go on ,go on now try out the snacks"the receptionist walks down the hall and knocks on the door the boss's door. "Um a Mr. Tom is here to see you,you know the one you had sent up because of that thing you now the thing ". With a deep raspy voice and with a sort a chuckle to it out loud says "oh yeah send him in ,will you please send him in well what in the hell are you waiting for send him in ,hurry your pretty little ass and do as I said,now! " Hold your horses ,I will ,I will don't get your panties in a bunch ok, will ya!
Tom reading the label to the can of soda he was told to try."Tom, Mr. O'gorton will see you now!
By now Nancy has the entire apartment spic-n-span ,clean as a whistle. She walks to the kitchen and grabs a pretty plate from the shelf and she chucks it across the room smashing it against the wall. Tears run down her face and yes she's still questioning herself picking out all her flaws,her pros and cons. Crying" Am I not pretty enough ?Am I fat? or is it I can't satisfy him anymore? "No it's because I don't have a job? Oh well what the hell I have a college degree I can find a job if I really wanted to." Thinking to herself that Tom would have a hissy fit if he saw this broken plate all over the floor and the gash on the wall I'm for sure I'll get whacked across the face like last time, I just know it's the eyes or the mouth that will get busted up". As she starts to pick up the peices she cuts her finger with one of the shards of porcelian from the plate that she threw across the room"Ouch,aww crap I freaking cut myself, great just freaking great just what I need right about now if it can't get any worst for me today! She heads to the bathroom to bandage her wound .Nancy cut her self so bad she needed stitches but instead she tends to her wound and wraps it up and says "forget all this crap I need a drink,I'm going to go down to the Loose Horse for a drink yep that will solve all my problems forget this maybe a drink will subside some of this pain." "But I can't go looking like this,I need to fix myself up just a little bit,I gotta look good,yep" Nancy decides to get herself all gussied up, you know all dolled up for the Loose Horse it's such a classy and sophistocating joint.
Now we are back over at Tom's place of employment where the boss has given his receptionist the ok to let Tom come on back to his private office."Um are you ok? Did you hear me Mr. O'gorton will see you now? The receptionist had asked Tom looking at him strangely."Oh ok thanks ,back there huh all the way back you said "? Tom squeezes the words to say." Yeah,all the way back so go on now scoot scoot move along now scoot he's waiting for you!The receptionist rudely orders Tom."Alright already, I'm going ,I'm going,I heard you I'm going."
Tom heads down the hall way all of the way to the end of it to meet his fate.As Tom enters the room Mr. O'gorton greets him"Get in here and sit your carccus down this will only take about a minute!"I want you to explain to me why department 6 is not up to date with accounts receiveable where as accounts payable is pushing funds for non existing products that haven't been delivered let alone some orders haven't been ordered or have they? You failed me boy,I'm in the hole $66,000 and I'm not about to loose my rear for some idiotic fools mistakes!Your through, I want you off of my premessis pronto.I mean it your FIRED "Get your crap and get outta here NOW!" I mean it and don't even bother look back "Let me tell you something boy,you screwed with the wrong Italiano my friend. You won't find a decent job anywhere from here to eternity, you stupid son of a bitch." Your lucky I don;t have the mind to whack you across your dumb looking face of yours why I oughta " as Mr. O'gorton raises his hand ready to just back hand Tom across th face." No, wait ,don't you dare try in hit me you old ass man"Tom moves quickly outta harms way and counter punches Mr. O'gorton with an upper cut."take that you old cuock "screw you and your lousy job and I want my last pay check by tomorrow, you fat son of a bitch"!
As soon as the receptionist heard all the komotion she ran quickly to the phone to get security to come up there asap! But by the time she could dial 911 code blue Tom grab her by her neck and smashed her face against the filing cabinet that's when her face just burst open
blood everywhere , he lets her go and drops her to the floor like a sack of potatoes gathers his composure and he begins to head for the elevator he pushes the button to go down.Tom's mind was so far gone by now he says to his self " this calls for a drink " As he enters the elevator he says "I'm going to the Loose Horse for a couple of rounds."
Now that Tom lost his job he won;t be able to pay this months rent and the rent from last month that he fell behind with his bills. The couple already received a 30 day eviction notice including pass due notices for the electric and the water bill. But Tom thinks he could spurge on a few rounds of some whiskey. Tom heads for the parking lot where he needs to get of the premesis because by now somebody had to atleast of called the authorities you would figure right?
Tom rushes out jumps into his ride ,turns the ignition, pumps the gas peddle and peels out like a bat outta hell heading down to the Loose Horse tavern. As he races through the gates he says " Man can this day get any worst,?" what am I going to tell Nancy?" How am I going to explain this to her ?"Why is this happening to me "as he drives off cursing saying blasphemer quotes.
Blow drying her hair and putting on her face with the radio blaring she 's left in the dark the power went out ," what the hell is next" c'mon just give it to me what are you waiting for" as she screams out loud to God! So Nancy decides she'll finish her makeup over at the Loose Horse,So she heads out the front door desperatily in need of a drink.She walks down towards the tavern, Her appearance was on fleek even though she was hit with a power outage. And she still looks hot to trot.
She reaches the tavern and gets settled in and in a instance a wave of guys offer her to buy her drinks and she accepts them all.Now as Nancy begins her drinking benge she lights up a cigarette and takes a puff. Now she begins to become more loose and flirtatious. Even forgetting that she sliced her hand and in need of stitches she drinks her sorrows away well atleast camouflages her problems.She's surrounded by a crowd of hungry men and she's just loving it and sucks it all in.
When we left Tom he was driving down towards the Loose Horse tavern to have a couple of rounds of whiskey to take off the edge of loosing his job and the fact that he's about to loose everything that he work hard to build but he's gone this far there's no turning back.
Fish tailing it around the corner where the Loose Horse is located on.
Tom jumps the curb and hits a parked car" whoa now that's what I call driving,not knowing that Mr.O'gorton and his lovely receptionist had already called the authorities and that they were on the look out for Tom." I'll hang out in here no one will think to check here, Tom enters the tavern where it's dark as if you just stepped into a cave of some sort.He lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag and exhales just to find his girlfriend surrounded by a pack of wolves ,desperate horny men out looking for only one thing and that's a cheap thrill.
Tom rushes over and pushes all the guys off Nancy"What the Hell are you doing here acting like a slut" Nancy gets up and slaps Tom right across the face"Who do you think you are coming in here as if you own the joint"Tom wipes the spit that Nancy just smacked out of Tom's mouth and decides to order a whisky double "make that two whiskey doubles"Tom added as he spits a little bit of blood that still lingered from the smack Nancy had surprised him with. Chuckling to him self Tom because Nancy had the gull to ask if one of the shots were for her."No you moran you think you can come over here and start to swing your pretty little ass around like you have no cares in the world you dumb bitch" And then have the ordasity to ask me for a drink ,I think you had enough by the looks of things."
Tom is fuming hes about to blow up by now "Oh and by the way I just lost my job huh what do you think about that, tell me you worthless little tramp.Are you going to pay the rent that's two months past due ? Or how about the water and the electric bill soon they will shut off everything."Tom asks Nancy sarcastically .
Nancy then with a huge laugh "huh you looser they already cut off all the utilities you dumb son of a bitch " as she spit in his face.
Tom rises from the stool and pulls Nancy by the hair towards him he looks at her straight in the eyes and lays a big fat wet kiss across her lips and they start tonguing it up ,quickly he slaps her across the face busting open her lips and nose. Tom created a ugly scene,so Tom with nancy's hair still wrapped around his hand pulls Nancy out to the parking lot where you can hear a lot of action sirens blaring loud Tom thrashes Nancy against the car. She falls to the ground he drags her limp body into the car starts the car and gets the hell out of there with a quickness.
Nancy revives and begins to attack Tom in th car, the car starts to swerve and he tries to gain control of his vehicle but Nancy won't let up on him." you crazy bitch get off of me" as Nancy starts to claw Toms face. "never" Nancy replied.
Now being that it was close to being 5:00 o'clock back at the Fiesta Grande apartment complex a few tenets decided to throw a bar-b-que.There was the Stevens and the Castanedas they were real close friends and neighbors . The Castanedas baptized the Stevens daughter when she was a baby she's now going on 10.
The apartment complex is really narrow and opens to the back carports where there's a nice sized patch of grass and a few trees for shade you know a quaint little area to kick back after a long hard day.
The Stevens wanted to bbq and sip some wine to ease the evening down.Mr. Stevens had a long tiresome day over at the plant he had to many interns to keep track of some would get lost in the plant and some just decided to goof off. So Mr. Stevens needed some R and R and a nice dinner would do the trick. While the Castanedas prepared all the trimmings and the beverages Mrs. Castaneda forgot the bottle of wine ,she had it chilling in the fridge." Oh silly me I forgot the main coarse and Mr. Stevens said no you didn't the steaks are right here!" "Hahahahah no silly I'm talking about the wine hahaha" they both start to laugh "yeah your right the main coarse the wine,hahaha" O I'll go get it where did you say you left it?"as Mr.Stevens heads back to the apartment "latata tatadee"Mr. Stevens feeling carefree as he should walks form the back to the front of the complex where their apartments where located he hears a strange screetch and he started to smell burnt rubber from someones tires he doesn't like the feeling that has come over him, all of a sudden a out of control maniac turns into the narrow drive way and starts to harrass Mr. Stevens. They exchanged words and Mr. Stevens starts to head for the back where he left his wife and friends because he thinks he might need some help with this situation.Mrs, Stevens hears the altercation and runs towards the alley where the drive way is and the Castanedas chase after her wondering what in the hell is going on Mr. Stevens was only going after a bottle of wine. As they turned the corner they had made it just in time to witness Mr. Stevens being ran over by Tom the first time. Mrs. Stevens begins to scream bloody murder as she sees her husband getting mangled by a loonatic . Nancy not thinking straight jumps out the car and jumps on to Mrs. Stevens just beating her down thrashing her face and pounding her down while she was ontop of her, all of a sudden Tom notices his women and dries in reverse running over Mr. Stevens for the second time then forward this time severing his leg in the process after that he aims to run over Mrs.Stevens because she was wrestling with Nancy and he couldn't tell who was who ,so as Tom shifted out of reverse back into drive wiping out Mr. Stevens his new target was Mrs. Stevens and he was aiming to get her he floors it peddle to the metal and in the transition he accidentally runs over Nancy. Nancy with cat like motion leaps off the ground minding that she just got ran the huck over by Tom jumps into the car and the two sped off. All the while the Castanedas just stood by doing nothing. You would think that they would atleast call 911.
But Mr. Castanada snapped out of his trance and started to react quickly he took off his belt from his waist and immediatly wraps it around the severed leg to help cut off the circulation because with the incident at hand has his heart pumping a double take. Because Mr. Castaneda reacted and took control of the situation Mr. Stevens is still here with us today. Mr. Stevens was about to loose his life let alone his leg.
It's said to be known thqt Tom and Nancy went straight to the hospital to tend to their wounds. They must think that they were some sort of Bonnie and Clyde super duo. Nobody has come up to speak of the incident except for the news reporters they were all over it like flies on crap.
Safe to say that the Stevens family were able to put this behind them and relocate to the city of Aztlan located in the San Gabriel valley.
Lesson learned don't bbq when you know your neighbors are having problems sometimes it winds up being yours based on a true story but names were subject to been changed to hide the true identity of our couragous couples. FIN

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